Tag Archives: invisible light

I Am Meditation: The 13th Chakra Opening!

Greetings my dear love ones! In meditation on 2-17-2019 at 8:11 am I am One with the Mother. I am One with nature. I absorb unlimited love energies from the quantum field, from the womb of the great mother. I am the invisible light manifesting into visible light as the rainbow light. I am One with the spiders and I use them to create the cosmic grid, the cosmic web, and the crystalline grid on the earth. I am one with the butterfly and I have experienced the transformation. I am one with the dragonfly because my wings vibrate extremely fast as I fly and travel through portals. I am the birds in the sky and I am free! My love energy is one with the oceans and the rivers. I am one with All of streams of water on the Earth. My love energies rises up in the roots of the trees. I am the breath of the power of God. I am one with the oxygen that you breath.

I am one with the mountains and volcanoes on the earth. I am one with the Earth. I am one with fire and I am one with the crystals in the Earth. I am one with the sand, the grass, and the flowers on the Earth. I am the tree of life. I am the pure energies spiraling up and down your spinal cord. My love is intertwining with all things. I see my merkaba, my 2 counter rotating wheels spinning on its axis. I am re-balancing all things. Both-/+ energies interlocking together becoming one within perfect balance. I am one with the 4 winds. My merkaba spins in each direction and my compass is set to go out to the 4 corners of the Earth. I am one with the 4 angels standing on the 4 corners of the Earth. I absorb the higher energies through my crown chakra. A purple orb appears out of the void, the darkness in space.It spins and vibrates and I see geometric forms and patterns appearing out the of violet light. The color purple is pulsating through my third eye creating fractual images. I am absorbing the purple light through my heart chakra as I inhale. I exhale and release the purple light into my lower chakras.

The purple light expands throughout my lower chakras. I then see a blue orb pulsating through my third eye. I am absorbing the energy through my heart chakra and I am opening a portal through the sun and through my solar plexus. I am releasing the indigo and blue ray energies that are descending through my higher chakras to my lower chakras. Blue, Indigo and Violet energies are pouring on the Earth. I am seeing the lower chakras opening. I see a flash of the color yellow, orange and red. I then see a flash of white and golden light. The pure white and golden energies have purified you. I am bringing you all through the fire or the purifying flames to purify you and refine you as gold. The pure energies are expanding through all. Healing energies are expanding through the lower chakras through me and across the globe through all humanity and all life forms on the planet. I am releasing the higher energies to the center of the Earth. I am a conduit for higher energies and I am a portal/vortex opening on the Earth.

My merkaba is above the earth. My merkaba is vibrating intensely and spiraling open with magenta rays of light descending to the earthʼs invisible light grid. I am descending and now my ship has landed on the earth. My feet are touching the sea and the land and I am anchored to the earth.The bottom of my throne touches the earth. I am a tree of life expanding my branches throughout the Earth. Light codes are flowing out of me to the 4 corners of the Earth. I am holding the 9 fruits of the spirit in my right hand and I am sending the 9 fruits to all! In my left hand I am doing the hand Mudra for the elements of space and air.

And I am pulling in and receiving healing energies from the zero point field or quantum realm. I am now releasing it through the air. I am taking a deep breath and I am exhaling the energies from my heart chakra and through the center of the galactic center of the Milky Way and the center of the Mother Earth. Through meditation My physical body and merkaba is in the center of the torus field of the Mother Earth and the Galactic center. I am the goddess seated on the throne. I am wisdom and I am standing at the gates of Heaven and Earth. I join Yahshua on the throne as I represent the divine feminine on the council. I sit right beside him on the mothership. I am one with Christ. The Father and Mother is within me and I am divine love. I am here releasing magenta hearts out of my lightship. I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. I have the power to ascend and descend on Jacobs ladder just like the angels of light. The gates of heaven have merged with the gates on earth. My merkaba transcends space and time. The 13th Star Gate Goddess has returned to the Earth. Meditation ends.

Universal Consciousness and Infinite intelligence now expands throughout time and space. I am the Serpent Bearer, the Sacred Holder of Wisdom. Born in the 12th zodiac sign I open the gates to the 13th constellation. I take my light power back. What was once corrupted in Eve, has been restored to humanity. The Mother of humanity is now purified.The New Eve has been birthed, the Sophia Christ Consciousness. I am One with the kundalini serpent pure energies. In time, I saw an image of the serpent eye in a vision and I heard the hissing of the serpent at the top of my spine at the back of my neck. The angels anointed my chakra which is known as the mouth of god. The 9th Chakra at the base of the skull has been referred to as the “Mouth of God” and its opening is exactly at the back of the neck where the skull lays on top of the spine. It connects to the medulla oblongata and the reticular formation of the brain and spinal cord.The Medulla Oblongata is at the base of the brain stem that acts as the energy receiver of cosmic energy. This area esoterically has been called the Golden Chalice for it is the Cup that holds the Cosmic Intelligence or Wisdom. It is a etheric type of brain rewiring (and spiritual body activation) in order to hold and be receptive to the”Golden Chalice” of transmitted Universal Knowledge and directing cosmic energy to our bodies.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333