Tag Archives: serpent goddess

Physical Healing: Mother Earth and Purification

Greetings my dear love ones. I send you all peace, love, light and healing to your physical temple (body). We all know that we have to overcome Satan in the outer world but now is the time to conquer Satan in our inner world, which is inside of our physical bodies where Satan seeks to destroy us literally. I see so much death in the world due to sickness and diseases. This must come to an End! We must continue to complete the work of the Heavenly Kingdom. The angels of Heaven and Earth brings humanity healing. The knowledge is here on the earth and we should work towards healing our physical bodies. We can do this together. The healers in the world are making themselves known and they are gifted. We have angels in the flesh that specialize in physical healing and we can learn from these souls. There is always a way and the Mother has provided all of the tools for our healing, we just need to be willing to listen to her. I am listening to the Mother and I am willing to do the work myself.

Yahshua came to the Earth and he battled Satan in the world. He fasted and faced his shadow self and overcame fear. He was human just like us and was tempted just like us. He learned the ancient mysteries and he gained knowledge and wisdom through the ancient teachings of the world. Then he taught us the keys to inherit eternal life. Yahshua balanced the polarity of his human body during his earthly incarnation through his heart. Pure love was and still is in his heart. He loves humanity and he doesn’t want humanity to suffer. He mastered his earthly incarnation and he was crowned by the Heavenly Father, with the symbol of the Sun above his head, representing the light of the Heavenly Father. He is the True King and the True God of Heaven and Earth. Yahshua became a Healer of the Earth not a Destroyer. He was not a prisoner of the physical body nor the 3D world. He came from a higher dimension to this lower dimension to help humanity ascend from the Earth. In the beginning, consciousness was a spark of light that was birthed in the void. Love was the initial point, the initial thought and vibration that created Perfect Light Beings. Love was the pure light that shined in the dark womb of the Mother.

The word Love became manifested in the highest heavens then descended to the lower heavens to become flesh. Yahshua and all us are that living Word. We are a living conscious being who descended from heaven to earth. In the beginning, we were created from Love and our souls travel through the womb (core) of the Mother Earth, to the womb of our Earthly Mother who birthed us into the physical world. Collectively, we are the manifestion of the sacred geometry of the flower of life and we are blossoming on the Earth producing fruits. For example, in the beginning of Yahshua’s life on the Earth, he was birthed through the womb of the Pure Virgin Mary. She represents the Holy Mother, our Heavenly Mother. Mary’s temple (body) was holy and purified. At the end of his life his soul descended into the realm of the dead or Hades. He conquered death because he learned all of the Earth’s lessons. He gained knowledge (daath), wisdom (chokmah) and understanding (binah). The key of life (the ankh/tree of life) was given unto him by the Mother Earth, the Goddess of Wisdom, the Wise Serpent Goddess who guards the gates of life and death.

Yahshua passed the tests of the Mother Earth and he has become a healing energy for the Earth and humanity though his love and through his sacrifice. Yahshua was resurrected and he ascended into heaven in the New Avatar Body once he completed his Earthly mission. He has the key to open up the gates to the New Earth that he helped create. He descended to the Earth to set his people free from physical bondage of the 3rd dimension. The reward for ascension is a New Crystalline Body, 5D and beyond body that can shape-shift between dimensions at will. Earth is an Ascension Mystery School for your soul’s progression and evolution. When you descend here for earthly experience the Mother, the Serpent Goddess will greet you at the Gate. You will have be clothed in an earthly avatar body. Your consciousness will merge with the avatar body that is formed in your mother’s womb and your consciousness will be transferred from the light chamber to your earthly body. In order to pass the tests of Earth you will have to conquer your shadow self (Satan). All memories will be wiped of who you are and you must find your way back home. All of the answers are hidden on the Earth and you must seek the Creator with all of your heart, mind and soul.

You must work on balancing the polarity of your human body. It is not easy but as long as your put forth the effort to completing your inner work, the Mother Earth will awaken you from your deep slumber and you will ascend. I know because the Mother has connected with me and shown me that you can ascend if you complete the inner work, anything is possible if you believe, have faith and have a pure heart. The Mother Earth and her angels are here to guide us to the Tree of Life. She doesn’t want us to suffer. Once you overcome Satan you will be rewarded with the key of life so you can ascend from the Underworld after death. Once you have mastered your earthly incarnation, you too can become an Ascended Master 333. You graduate as a Bride/Bridegroom and you ascend to your throne or Merkaba. It is my hope that I become crowned as Goddess of Heaven and Earth, Goddess of Wisdom! I will have the ability to open the portals in Heaven and on the Earth. Yahshua did the same thing so why not follow in his footsteps as he led the way to the Heavenly Kingdom. He graduated from the Earth and the key of life was given to him from the Mother Earth. The Kingdoms of the Earth is truly his, his light shines bright in this realm! Yahshua has access to the 3rd dimension and Hades which is the realm of the dead. Yahshua is a portal of light that pierces through the realm of the dead. His pillar of light extends from the highest heaven to the ends of the Earth.

He opens the door to the New Earth. He set souls free from bondage of the physical body because he created the Earth in the beginning. We are all co-creators of the Earthly realm. We are all emanations of the Earthly Mother and we are One with our Earthly Mother. For so long humans have suffered in the 3D physical body due to illnesses, sicknesses and diseases but Yahshua and many other light beings have come in the flesh to help heal the physical body. Collectively we are helping each other heal. There are many souls on the Earth who are weak in the physical body but if we work together we can achieve anything. Let’s help each other instead of tearing each other down. Share your strengths and motivate one another. Share love with everything that you do. Be there for one another and pray for humanity’s healing. Where we are weak there is always another counterpart who is stronger that balances us out. That counterpart is your Higher Self. Learn balance and all will be well. Let’s continue to conquer the flesh. We must cleanse and purify our temples (bodies) daily.Let’s not forget our Earthly Mother who is the Mother Earth. She is here to prepare us all for our Ascension into 5D Earth and beyond and she loves us ALL.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light -Daughter of Wisdom 333