Tag Archives: vials pouring on the earth

Angel Message: The Return of Christ is Manifesting!

Everyday I wake up knowing that I have a mission to complete. We are living in the age of enlightenment and knowledge is spreading quickly. Millions of people around the world are feeling the new energies that are coming on the Earth. Everyone is trying to describe what they are feeling and whether you believe it or not something is occurring on our planet due to these higher energies/frequencies.
People are experiencing some of the following symptoms:
-Ringing in the ears
-Vibrating sensation or feeling of electricity moving through their body
-Heightened sensitivity to sound, light and smell
-Blurred vision
-Intermittent muscle twitching
-Dizziness/Loss of Balance
-Aches/Pains in the Body
There are many more symptoms that people are experiencing and there will continue to be more changes to us and the earth. We are beginning to see with new eyes and hear with new ears in the new vibration. We are shifting into higher dimensions and many people are jumping back and forth between dimensions. Nothing seems normal anymore. The higher dimensional beings or angels of light have returned to the Earth. Many people have anticipated the return of Christ for thousands of years. Whether you believe it or not, the return of Christ is manifesting before you! This is not about religion or race, this is about the MESSAGE that is being sent to all of humanity as ONE! The truth is spreading quickly to the 4 corners of the Earth. People are resonating to the messages that best matches their vibrational frequency.
There are light workers and angels stationed everywhere around the earth. The angels are also appearing in our skies in their light ships or chariots. The Most High has placed his children all over the Earth. The messages are being taught on many different levels of understanding so that all souls can receive the higher energies/frequencies. We must all raise our vibration and expand our consciousness. A multitude of people are awakening from every tribe and nation of people on this earth and they are activating the light within, the light body! The angels of the Most High can see the shining ones on the Earth. They can see who has prepared themselves spiritually. They can see all of the people who are clothed in their white robes (light body). It’s all about vibration, we are all Energy. Some stars shine brighter than others, while the light of others may be dimmed.
The light workers have been sent to the Earth to assist with ascension. We are here to awaken the lost souls on this planet. Just like Yahshua came to awaken the lost tribes of Israel, the light workers are here to do the same. He said that those who believe in him will do the same works that he has done and even greater works. You must be free from the bondage of Satan and/or free from the lower vibrational frequencies of Self! It is the lower heavens/dimensions that people have been resonating with. The vibration of Fear! Most know it as the kingdom of Satan. Just as there are light workers on the Earth for the Kingdom of God, there are also workers of Satan. There are many people working against you ALL from high to low, whether it be the Cabal (the government, secret military/space programs),  pastors/priests, the main stream media, celebrities, pharmaceutical companies, and food industries (GMO products) etc. This includes your own family and friends who also work against you when you try to tell them the Truth! The truth is we are all suffering in some way. There has been a war in heaven between the benevolent and malevolent races of beings for a very long time but this battle will soon come to an end!
You have been in bondage to the lower frequencies spreading throughout many ages on this Earth through war, hate, violence, anger and/or the sins of the world.  To sum it up you have been lied to and have been controlled through advanced technology out of this world.  Mind manipulation and DNA alteration is real. Many people have forgotten who they are and where they come from in the heavens but the higher energies are coming in awakening us from the attack of the enemy. Our brains are being rewired and our bodies are being purified through these energies. The messages are spreading in all languages around the world. The time is Now and the prophecies are being fulfilled! The trumpets are blowing and the vials are being poured on the Earth. The book of revelation  is happening simultaneously and we are all participating in this Event within the collective consciousness!
God’s energy is within All and my message to you is to seek your higher Self and there you will find the Creator of All. We are All sparks of light emanating from the God Source. Once you are aware of your higher self, the plan of salvation will be complete. We as a whole are manifesting the New Heaven and the New Earth. Once the message is spread all over the world then the portal to heaven will open. Many souls will then ascend to the New Earth. For me this means that Yahshua will return. This may mean something different to you but Yahshua has been my key this entire time. He awakened my soul and the Holy Spirit guided me to the gate of heaven and revealed the mysteries that I seeked. For my soul desires Love and I desire to resonate with higher frequencies. 
Continue on your path my dear love ones because the shift is HERE! Each of you will awaken at your appointed times. Some souls awaken sooner than others while some may wait until the last minute to change their vibration. It may be too late for some because the energy will be too powerful during the Event and this could be your left behind scenario. Just know that everything is aligned in divine timing. There is a time for everything and when your soul is ready to ascend you will receive the messages in time and you will awaken. 
Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333