Shalom Brothers and Sisters of the LIGHT! May peace be with you and me always. This spiritual journey has been quite exhausting for me. I’ve been on a rollercoaster ride through the light and darkness in this world. I have navigated a path filled with both joy and sorrow in this life. Throughout my journey, especially before and after my spiritual awakening, I have faced many ups and downs. Regardless of the direction I take, there always seems to be a challenge or obstacle that I must face and overcome. I find myself weary of the ongoing struggle against the darkness that surrounds us in this world.
Ephesians 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
My mind is in so many places right now after reading that verse. We’ve been under attack for so long and I’ve been striving to free myself from this ongoing cycle of war and conflict with malevolent extraterrestrial beings who came from different star systems. At this very point in my life I realize that it doesn’t matter how much knowledge I have gained over the course of 12 years. The initiation of my spiritual awakening took place on July 2, 2012. I will celebrate 13 years of this journey on July 2, 2025.
Ultimately, I have realized that a war has been waged against the progression or evolution of human consciousness, a struggle that has persisted across the Ages. This cycle appears to repeat itself, or at least there is an intention to make us perceive it as such. It resembles a temporal loop, potentially linked to the concept of time travel. We continue to repeat the same things until we have learned our lessons.
Many individuals, myself among them, have gained significant insights and have learned many lessons throughout life and are eager to evolve spiritually. However, there appears to be an underlying issue, as it seems that an external force is influencing our reality, hindering many of us from attaining a higher reality on Earth. When I reflect on all that I have experienced in my life, I find myself time traveling in the past. I go back to a past moment, which in reality has passed away. Every moment of my life exists in my field of consciousness. All my memories have been stored within my DNA, and I can access those memories when I reflect upon them. I can bring some memories forward in my mind’s eye and see a holographic projection of events on replay.
When observing memories, it’s like you can rewind or fast forward through the scenes. All of our lives are being recorded on Earth, much like a personal film, stored within the Akashic Records. I explore my records to gain a deeper insight into my identity. Through reflecting on these memories, I examine and evaluate both myself and the significant events that have influenced and shaped my life. There have been many experiences that I find puzzling, and I strive to understand the reasons behind them. I seek to comprehend the factors that have led to the unfolding of events in my life. There are certain memories that remain inaccessible to me, and these recollections are crucial for understanding my personal and spiritual journey.
It seems that there are dark forces at play that do not wish for us to retrieve our own memories, including those of our ancestors, and it is imperative that we uncover the reasons behind this. I have continually tried to confront and heal from past issues or traumas, yet it feels as though an invisible force is working against these efforts. I am encountering some obstacles in my life, and despite my attempts to address these issues and blockages, I feel stuck and overwhelmed by ongoing challenges. These dark forces from other star systems have been determined to keep us in a state of suffering, trapping us in lower realities on Earth. These dark forces want us all to perish and remain trapped in a cyclical pattern of the past, thereby allowing them to exert control over us in these lower realms. When we began to rise, they find a way to bring us back in lower vibrations. We are living in the Kingdom of Satan, and it doesn’t matter where you go on Earth, the darkness has spread, and people are being controlled by Satan’s system. I’m just tired of the same old things and I want the Kingdom of Christ to rule on Earth. I just want to experience the goodness of the Creator in this world, and I want peace and harmony to return to Earth.
At times I sit down and contemplate the Creation of the Universe, and I think about the good things manifesting into reality. I just want those things to exist right now on Earth. I want myself and the whole world to be healed from this Satanic System. I want us all to be free from the dark forces that has ruled the Earth for thousands and thousands of years. I do pray for the return of Yahshua. When I think about Yahshua returning to Earth, I think about Yahshua returning with the holy ones descending on Starships from Heaven (Space). The Holy City descending from heaven represents a city of benevolent star beings filled with the true light of God within them. Their souls shine bright like a star. They would be sent from higher worlds, and they would arrive to Earth on Starships from these higher worlds. They would be sent to deliver us from this Satanic System of Mind Control and Manipulation.
The holy extraterrestrials beings and our star family would help us and heal us. They wouldn’t lie to us. They would tell us the whole truth so that we could be set free. I am a heavenly messenger, and I wish I could retrieve all my memories back to further help me on this mission. But I wish to bring forward a higher reality to the Earthlings. I made mistakes in my old life, and I have been progressing on this cycle to create a new life. Dark forces have come against me, and I really don’t understand everything there is to know regarding this ongoing war, but I come with love in my heart, and I’ve longed for the return of the New Jerusalem Mothership. Yahshua comes to heal all nations and all people. I want to bring healing and restoration to the Earth and all her inhabitants. I honestly want the entire Universe to be healed and restored.
That means I want all worlds, all beings and all lifeforms in this Universe to be healed from old, negative and corrupt consciousness programming. All the defects in consciousness programs that have been implanted on the planetary grid of Earth and throughout all solar systems have to be destroyed and replaced with new and perfected programs filled with the fruits of the holy spirit. I truly love Yahshua and the kingdoms of God in the Universe. The tree of life template or blueprint of Man was corrupted which caused a defect or virus to spread through the human body system. It’s clear that somebody wanted to destroy the creation of the temple (body) of Man.
It is my hope that the Creator initiates his/her final plans for humanity. I desire for all of God’s creation to be healed, restored and perfected. May True Love reset our Solar System and all star systems from the Galactic Center. I always wanted to correct all defects found within humanity. I kept trying to figure out ways to heal myself but there have been limitations place against me in this life. All I can remember in my memories was being in a laboratory. I heard a voice speaking and she was trying to understand what caused the defect in the human mind (consciousness). She was trying to find a way to correct it. Who was she? Was that me from another lifetime? Was that someone in my ancestral bloodline? So many questions yet no real answers. May our memories return to us and may we be released from spiritual bondage. May truth prevail! May the true light of God win in the end.