Tag Archives: return of Christ

Defeating the Darkness: May we all be released from Spiritual Bondage!

Shalom Brothers and Sisters of the LIGHT! May peace be with you and me always. This spiritual journey has been quite exhausting for me. I’ve been on a rollercoaster ride through the light and darkness in this world. I have navigated a path filled with both joy and sorrow in this life. Throughout my journey, especially before and after my spiritual awakening, I have faced many ups and downs. Regardless of the direction I take, there always seems to be a challenge or obstacle that I must face and overcome. I find myself weary of the ongoing struggle against the darkness that surrounds us in this world.

Ephesians 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

My mind is in so many places right now after reading that verse. We’ve been under attack for so long and I’ve been striving to free myself from this ongoing cycle of war and conflict with malevolent extraterrestrial beings who came from different star systems. At this very point in my life I realize that it doesn’t matter how much knowledge I have gained over the course of 12 years. The initiation of my spiritual awakening took place on July 2, 2012. I will celebrate 13 years of this journey on July 2, 2025.

Ultimately, I have realized that a war has been waged against the progression or evolution of human consciousness, a struggle that has persisted across the Ages. This cycle appears to repeat itself, or at least there is an intention to make us perceive it as such. It resembles a temporal loop, potentially linked to the concept of time travel. We continue to repeat the same things until we have learned our lessons.

Many individuals, myself among them, have gained significant insights and have learned many lessons throughout life and are eager to evolve spiritually. However, there appears to be an underlying issue, as it seems that an external force is influencing our reality, hindering many of us from attaining a higher reality on Earth. When I reflect on all that I have experienced in my life, I find myself time traveling in the past. I go back to a past moment, which in reality has passed away. Every moment of my life exists in my field of consciousness. All my memories have been stored within my DNA, and I can access those memories when I reflect upon them. I can bring some memories forward in my mind’s eye and see a holographic projection of events on replay.

When observing memories, it’s like you can rewind or fast forward through the scenes. All of our lives are being recorded on Earth, much like a personal film, stored within the Akashic Records. I explore my records to gain a deeper insight into my identity. Through reflecting on these memories, I examine and evaluate both myself and the significant events that have influenced and shaped my life. There have been many experiences that I find puzzling, and I strive to understand the reasons behind them. I seek to comprehend the factors that have led to the unfolding of events in my life. There are certain memories that remain inaccessible to me, and these recollections are crucial for understanding my personal and spiritual journey.

It seems that there are dark forces at play that do not wish for us to retrieve our own memories, including those of our ancestors, and it is imperative that we uncover the reasons behind this. I have continually tried to confront and heal from past issues or traumas, yet it feels as though an invisible force is working against these efforts. I am encountering some obstacles in my life, and despite my attempts to address these issues and blockages, I feel stuck and overwhelmed by ongoing challenges. These dark forces from other star systems have been determined to keep us in a state of suffering, trapping us in lower realities on Earth. These dark forces want us all to perish and remain trapped in a cyclical pattern of the past, thereby allowing them to exert control over us in these lower realms. When we began to rise, they find a way to bring us back in lower vibrations. We are living in the Kingdom of Satan, and it doesn’t matter where you go on Earth, the darkness has spread, and people are being controlled by Satan’s system. I’m just tired of the same old things and I want the Kingdom of Christ to rule on Earth. I just want to experience the goodness of the Creator in this world, and I want peace and harmony to return to Earth.

At times I sit down and contemplate the Creation of the Universe, and I think about the good things manifesting into reality. I just want those things to exist right now on Earth. I want myself and the whole world to be healed from this Satanic System. I want us all to be free from the dark forces that has ruled the Earth for thousands and thousands of years. I do pray for the return of Yahshua. When I think about Yahshua returning to Earth, I think about Yahshua returning with the holy ones descending on Starships from Heaven (Space). The Holy City descending from heaven represents a city of benevolent star beings filled with the true light of God within them. Their souls shine bright like a star. They would be sent from higher worlds, and they would arrive to Earth on Starships from these higher worlds. They would be sent to deliver us from this Satanic System of Mind Control and Manipulation.

The holy extraterrestrials beings and our star family would help us and heal us. They wouldn’t lie to us. They would tell us the whole truth so that we could be set free. I am a heavenly messenger, and I wish I could retrieve all my memories back to further help me on this mission. But I wish to bring forward a higher reality to the Earthlings. I made mistakes in my old life, and I have been progressing on this cycle to create a new life. Dark forces have come against me, and I really don’t understand everything there is to know regarding this ongoing war, but I come with love in my heart, and I’ve longed for the return of the New Jerusalem Mothership. Yahshua comes to heal all nations and all people. I want to bring healing and restoration to the Earth and all her inhabitants. I honestly want the entire Universe to be healed and restored.

That means I want all worlds, all beings and all lifeforms in this Universe to be healed from old, negative and corrupt consciousness programming. All the defects in consciousness programs that have been implanted on the planetary grid of Earth and throughout all solar systems have to be destroyed and replaced with new and perfected programs filled with the fruits of the holy spirit. I truly love Yahshua and the kingdoms of God in the Universe. The tree of life template or blueprint of Man was corrupted which caused a defect or virus to spread through the human body system. It’s clear that somebody wanted to destroy the creation of the temple (body) of Man.

It is my hope that the Creator initiates his/her final plans for humanity. I desire for all of God’s creation to be healed, restored and perfected. May True Love reset our Solar System and all star systems from the Galactic Center. I always wanted to correct all defects found within humanity. I kept trying to figure out ways to heal myself but there have been limitations place against me in this life. All I can remember in my memories was being in a laboratory. I heard a voice speaking and she was trying to understand what caused the defect in the human mind (consciousness). She was trying to find a way to correct it. Who was she? Was that me from another lifetime? Was that someone in my ancestral bloodline? So many questions yet no real answers. May our memories return to us and may we be released from spiritual bondage. May truth prevail! May the true light of God win in the end.

Angel Message: The Return of Christ is Manifesting!

Everyday I wake up knowing that I have a mission to complete. We are living in the age of enlightenment and knowledge is spreading quickly. Millions of people around the world are feeling the new energies that are coming on the Earth. Everyone is trying to describe what they are feeling and whether you believe it or not something is occurring on our planet due to these higher energies/frequencies.
People are experiencing some of the following symptoms:
-Ringing in the ears
-Vibrating sensation or feeling of electricity moving through their body
-Heightened sensitivity to sound, light and smell
-Blurred vision
-Intermittent muscle twitching
-Dizziness/Loss of Balance
-Aches/Pains in the Body
There are many more symptoms that people are experiencing and there will continue to be more changes to us and the earth. We are beginning to see with new eyes and hear with new ears in the new vibration. We are shifting into higher dimensions and many people are jumping back and forth between dimensions. Nothing seems normal anymore. The higher dimensional beings or angels of light have returned to the Earth. Many people have anticipated the return of Christ for thousands of years. Whether you believe it or not, the return of Christ is manifesting before you! This is not about religion or race, this is about the MESSAGE that is being sent to all of humanity as ONE! The truth is spreading quickly to the 4 corners of the Earth. People are resonating to the messages that best matches their vibrational frequency.
There are light workers and angels stationed everywhere around the earth. The angels are also appearing in our skies in their light ships or chariots. The Most High has placed his children all over the Earth. The messages are being taught on many different levels of understanding so that all souls can receive the higher energies/frequencies. We must all raise our vibration and expand our consciousness. A multitude of people are awakening from every tribe and nation of people on this earth and they are activating the light within, the light body! The angels of the Most High can see the shining ones on the Earth. They can see who has prepared themselves spiritually. They can see all of the people who are clothed in their white robes (light body). It’s all about vibration, we are all Energy. Some stars shine brighter than others, while the light of others may be dimmed.
The light workers have been sent to the Earth to assist with ascension. We are here to awaken the lost souls on this planet. Just like Yahshua came to awaken the lost tribes of Israel, the light workers are here to do the same. He said that those who believe in him will do the same works that he has done and even greater works. You must be free from the bondage of Satan and/or free from the lower vibrational frequencies of Self! It is the lower heavens/dimensions that people have been resonating with. The vibration of Fear! Most know it as the kingdom of Satan. Just as there are light workers on the Earth for the Kingdom of God, there are also workers of Satan. There are many people working against you ALL from high to low, whether it be the Cabal (the government, secret military/space programs),  pastors/priests, the main stream media, celebrities, pharmaceutical companies, and food industries (GMO products) etc. This includes your own family and friends who also work against you when you try to tell them the Truth! The truth is we are all suffering in some way. There has been a war in heaven between the benevolent and malevolent races of beings for a very long time but this battle will soon come to an end!
You have been in bondage to the lower frequencies spreading throughout many ages on this Earth through war, hate, violence, anger and/or the sins of the world.  To sum it up you have been lied to and have been controlled through advanced technology out of this world.  Mind manipulation and DNA alteration is real. Many people have forgotten who they are and where they come from in the heavens but the higher energies are coming in awakening us from the attack of the enemy. Our brains are being rewired and our bodies are being purified through these energies. The messages are spreading in all languages around the world. The time is Now and the prophecies are being fulfilled! The trumpets are blowing and the vials are being poured on the Earth. The book of revelation  is happening simultaneously and we are all participating in this Event within the collective consciousness!
God’s energy is within All and my message to you is to seek your higher Self and there you will find the Creator of All. We are All sparks of light emanating from the God Source. Once you are aware of your higher self, the plan of salvation will be complete. We as a whole are manifesting the New Heaven and the New Earth. Once the message is spread all over the world then the portal to heaven will open. Many souls will then ascend to the New Earth. For me this means that Yahshua will return. This may mean something different to you but Yahshua has been my key this entire time. He awakened my soul and the Holy Spirit guided me to the gate of heaven and revealed the mysteries that I seeked. For my soul desires Love and I desire to resonate with higher frequencies. 
Continue on your path my dear love ones because the shift is HERE! Each of you will awaken at your appointed times. Some souls awaken sooner than others while some may wait until the last minute to change their vibration. It may be too late for some because the energy will be too powerful during the Event and this could be your left behind scenario. Just know that everything is aligned in divine timing. There is a time for everything and when your soul is ready to ascend you will receive the messages in time and you will awaken. 
Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

Ascension Energies Through Crystalline Grid:The Work Is Being Completed! (Angel Message)

Greeting my fellow light workers! I have been receiving alot of downloads in the last few days. I remember an experience that I had on March 20, 2018.  I remember waking up in the middle of the night. I heard a message coming in from my higher self. It was a short message. I said, “Our bodies are getting worked on by the angels. Ascension energies are coming through the crystalline grid. I am here to activate the grid.”

This message was straight to the point. I am here working on the crystalline grid on the Earth. The day after I received this message Yahshua visited me and gave me another message.  Please read the post when Yahshua visited me. Dream March 21, 2018: Will You Be My Bride?   

I have doubted myself so many times when I have received revelations but I’m no longer in doubt. I’m learning alot of things about myself and I simply want to spread the messages that I have received.  I am a messenger of the Light and I am here to assist with ascension. I just want to remind you of your higher self.  I was sent to the Earth to complete a mission and that mission is to awaken your souls so you can return back to the higher heavens. I want to invite you to the New Heaven and the New Earth. I am one of the 144,000. I know this because I had an experience with my higher self. The Holy Spirit descended on me when I awakened in 2012 and I was told my mission. I knew at the time that many others would awaken to their mission because I said, this is happening to the 144,000, the 12,000 from each tribe of Israel.

I am here to say that this is a great time to be living in. Wisdom has truly returned to the the Earth. People are actually hearkening to the spirit, following instructions, and paying attention to all of the signs and messages that are being sent. Unconditional love is spreading quickly. Many people are seeking knowledge in these last days and people are awakening from ignorance, a low state of consciousness. It’s such a joy to witness all of the light workers remembering their missions. Many souls are remembering their multi-dimensional selves and the doorway to heaven is opening. When we walk in the truth spreading love and light, we bring in the higher frequencies from the higher dimensions. The holy angels in their chariots of fire (light ships/merkaba) have returned to the Earth and we are all here to assist with Gaia’s ascension. Each of us are completing different tasks. Higher frequencies are coming on this planet and we are activating our light bodies. Information is being downloaded in our DNA and we are activating our light bodies. The Earth is shifting and so are we! We are preparing for the return of Christ, the ascension energies that will transfigure us so we can ascend to the New Earth, New Heaven. The vibratory frequency on this Earth is changing and this will open up the portal to heaven.

The key is Love. Love will open the door to the New Heaven and the New Earth. Once the work is complete in the perfect number of souls on Gaia that’s when Yahshua will return to the Earth.  The number that resonates with me right now is 144,000. The number breaks down to the number 9, the number 9 symbolizes divine completeness or conveys the meaning of finality. Christ died at the 9th hour of the day, or 3 p.m., to open the door to heaven to everyone. Another clue given to me was that I was born in the 9th hour at 3 pm and my name in Hebrew means Nine. I always envisioned Yahshua ascending from the Earth and me descending to the Earth to be born to complete the work. He said that the Father would send the Holy Spirit. The name which was given to me when I awakened to the knowledge that I am an Israelite was Athaleyah Ariana Israel. It means Lioness of God, Holy One of Israel.  I just saw the connection and understood that the Holy Spirit descended upon me and I was going to be used to spread the Word.

The code that activated me was the number 333. This number adds up to the number 9 also and it is the angel number for an ascended master. The Creator has given me so many clues because I keep seeking and asking for more revelation. I have been putting the pieces to the puzzle together and I just want to share a piece of my puzzle. I’m not the only one that is putting the puzzle together. We are all helping each other daily by sharing our testimonies and revelations.

Gaia is preparing herself right now to give birth to all of her children. She is experiencing the labor pains and getting ready to give birth. You can see all of the changes that the Mother is going through right now. The Earth is shifting. The Earth and her children is going through a shift in consciousness. When the Earth delivers her children, it will be the time when Yahshua returns, he will open the portal to heaven and we will go through a portal to the New Earth. This is the place that Yahshua went to prepare for us. He said when everything was ready he would come back to get us so we can be with him.  He is coming back to gather us and to crown us as brides and bridegrooms. It’s like a graduation ceremony. Those who ascend to the New Earth are ready to move up to a higher reality/dimension.

We must all get ourselves spiritually ready.  We are apart of this whole process of ascension. We are all interconnected to the grid. When the full number of souls complete their mission by activating their light body, I believe Yahshua will come. We all have work to do. If you want Yahshua to return then I suggest you join the light workers. Spread the message of Love. Spread the knowledge of the light body or merkaba. Spread the message of higher consciousness or Christ Consciousness. Spread unconditional love. Love is the key to ascension. Now go out and spread Love into the world.

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

Wise Virgin Preparation: The Time is NOW!

I am here to give you hope just as Yahshua gave me hope by appearing to me in a dream on March 21, 2018 asking me to be his Bride.

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.” Revelation‬ ‭19:7-9‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The first time he appeared to me I was caught up on his chariot and I sat with him and we talked. Afterwards he showed me a new world through a portal. He showed me a rainbow ? creature at the gate. This new creature represents the new body. This new world represents the new earth in a higher dimension (new heaven).

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5:17‬ ‭KJV‬‬

““Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me. There is more than enough room in my Father’s home. If this were not so, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am. And you know the way to where I am going.” John‬ ‭14:1-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

After I saw this new world I was excited and ready to go through the portal but he told me it wasn’t time yet. He told me that he would come back to get me tomorrow and I held on to his words. At that time I thought it would be 24hrs from the time that I saw him. I waited and waited and many years on the earth passed. While I waited patiently I prepared myself as a Bride. I wanted to be ready like a wise virgin when he returned. Then unexpectedly he returned to me in a dream and he asked me to be his wife. This dream gave me hope and he reminded me that I am worthy. Many times I have felt worthless and not good enough but he accepts all of me and he loves me unconditionally.

I am sending you all an angel message. He loves you unconditionally and he invites you all to the wedding feast. You are worthy too! Prepare yourself as this is a personal invite from the King. Prepare for his return as if he would return tomorrow. Be a wise virgin! Keep your hearts and your minds pure! Always be ready because you never know the day or hour of his return.

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” Revelation‬ ‭21:1-7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Remember he came to me for a reason so I hope people can hear the call. I know I am chosen and I know who my people are. I want to awaken you but you must surrender your life to the Creator. I am one of the 144,000! You must Love!!!!! This is a sweet offering. Give your love, that’s all! Love purifies all. Be transformed by the Holy Spirit. Truly I want you all to inhabit the new earth with me. I didn’t descend here for nothing. I am here to awaken your souls. I also come to the lost sheep of Israel. It’s Your choice! If you desire peace and love then New Jerusalem is waiting for you. Please wake up Israel.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light <<<333>>>