Tag Archives: ascended master

Healing the Physical body: Ending the War with Satan!

Greetings my dear love ones. I send you all love, joy and peace from the Galactic Center. Today as I meditate as a pillar of light which extends from the Galactic Core to the Earth’s Core. I anchor myself here on the Earth as a portal of love, light and healing. There is an appointed for everything under the Sun and today I was led to another assignment by the council. Living as a multidimensional has brought forth alot of knowledge and wisdom. Yesterday I experienced a clearing and many tears poured out of me. Truly I desire healing for myself and for all of humanity. I have my weaknesses just like every other human. My guardian angels are the Lion People and that includes Yahshua, the Lion from the Tribe of Judah. They have been guiding me ever since my spiritual awakening. I have been learning many things during these 6 years and everything I come across comes in divine timing. The Father and Mother knows when I am ready to ascend to the next level of my souls progression. I was in deep thought yesterday and meditated on my entire life. Having a connection with the Mother Earth means alot to me. I can hear her gentle voice in the wind as the trees blows next to me. Her spirit descends upon me and leads me into all truth.

I asked my guides to HELP ME heal and they led me to Yahshua’s teaching once again. He is always my guiding light on the Earth. He has always been the way for me. The Mother knows her anointed children on this Earth and she leads me to them and I learn from them. Becoming an Ascended Master is not easy! It takes dedication and patience. Becoming one with the Mother Earth has been an awesome experience. The Earth is alive and she provides everything for her children. She is all around us and she stands at the gates teaching her laws of perfect health: the purification of the temple (body), for she is a Tree of Life. All foods that grow from the Mother Earth gives life. There is life in her seeds. She provides life in her fruits, vegetables, plants/herbs and bread of life (wheat). Many are unable to accept this as the truth but it is ok. We must all come to this knowledge in divine timing when we are ready to grow or when we are ready to go to the next level in our evolution. When we, humans, are ready to accept this truth, we will all be healed from Satan.

Here’s another perspective of Satan. He represents the abominations in our body. He is the creator/ruler of death/Hades. He is our physical suffering. He is the illnesses, diseases and disorders that we carry within our physical bodies. Many people won’t admit that they struggle with the foods of the Earth but this is the trap of Satan. Food is a desire of our flesh! My eyes are NOW opened just like Eve. I have come to live with humanity to experience this 3rd dimension. I have fallen from heaven and I left my heavenly estate to participate in the Holy Plan. I wanted to help humanity with ascension. I wanted to help fight Satan from within so I incarnated on the Earth and I came up with a plan. If humanity suffered on the Earth then I would suffer too after descending to the Earth. I didn’t chose the easy way of living, I chose a path that would allow me to evolve as a spiritual being in the flesh. I experienced many trials and tribulations just like everybody else. I didn’t sign up to be the perfect human on the Earth, to be right all of the time. I wanted to experience life as a human, to see from all perspectives, to learn from all people, and to have an open mind that led to all possibilities.

To me Yahshua is the perfect Man, that represents the Father, the Spirit. I always saw myself as the opposite of him, the imperfect Woman, representing the Mother Earth. To me Earth has been corrupted by Satan and my physical body was corrupted as well. I saw myself in the image of the Mother Earth. On Earth there is life and death and within my physical body I saw the same. I saw life (God) and I saw death (Satan) dwelling in my temple. Satan is the disease (arthritis) in my body that has brought physical limitations. But I haven’t given up, nor will I. This battle has been happening since I was 14 years old. I am still fighting this war that is going on inside of my physical body. My spiritual advancement occurred because I have a Pure Heart. Love led me back to the Source/the Creator. It is my unconditional Love that I have for all of humanity. This is why I am here. I am a Goddess of Heaven and Earth that does care for all of humanity. I want healing for us All. I want us to return back to Paradise where there is no Death. New Earth is that Paradise. When I incarnated here, my memory was wiped and I had to learn just like every other human on this Earth. I knew that in Divine Timing my divinity of who I am would return. I had to learn patience.

I am an Holy Angel, a Mother Goddess who descended from Heaven to Earth. I was once pure and holy (not corrupted) as a Tree of Life but I ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. I took on a physical body in the 3rd dimension. I became a fallen angel like Eve, I sinned like every other human who incarnated on this Earth in the 3rd dimension. I was/am an angel who wanted to gain understanding of the life of a human being. I wanted to see the full nature of Man. I wanted to see the full picture of why humanity has been suffering for so long. In order to fully understand it I must live it. I am the Angel/Daughter of Wisdom. The Mother has taught me during my earthly incarnation and I see from her eyes. I have experienced it and now I know the truth for myself. The foods of the Earth are very tempting and it can change our true nature. We have fallen from a heavenly state of being. The very foods that we consume contributes to our physical sufferings. There are other reasons that cause our physical sufferings but this one is very important. Satan has destroyed the human race from within and many are blind to see this. I was blind too but now I see.

Healing is definitely manifesting on the Earth as millions of people are changing their diets. I pray for healing for myself and all of humanity. In Divine Timing all of Humanity will be Healed of all Sufferings/Diseases and Death (Satan/Hades) will be swallowed up in Victory. Change is HERE! Change yourself and Change the World -Angel Message

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333