Tag Archives: dark energy

Keeper of the Key: The Stargate is Opened!It is finished!

Greeting my dear ones! I am sending you all love, light, peace, healing and balance. I send you all infinite love and wisdom from the Infinite Source, the One Creator, the Mother which is divine feminine energy and the Father which is divine masculine energy of the Universe. From my light ship to the Mother Earth’s crystalline grid, I release my inner powers, my light codes containing love energy. Love awakens your soul and through Love all can be healed. May you all be awakened to your higher selves at the appointed time and become purified as the Bride wearing pure white clean linen.

My Light Body DNA Activations Codes

111, 122, 133, 144, 155, 211, 222, 233, 244, 255, 311, 322, 333, 344, 355, 411, 422, 433, 444, 455, 511, 522, 533, 544, 555, 611, 622, 633, 644, 655, 711, 722, 733, 744, 755, 811, 822, 833, 844, 855, 911, 922, 933, 944, 955, 1010, 1011, 1022, 1033, 1044, 1055, 1111, 1122, 1133, 1144, 1155, 1211, 1212, 1217, 1221, 1222, 1233, 1244, 1255.

These are my programmed light codes that were sent from my higher self residing within the Galactic Core of our Galaxy. The Mother’s love flowed from the center of the galaxy and traveled through her Suns to awaken me. All is interconnected in the Universe and I surrendered to her ascension energies. The light codes reached me and I was activated to be a conduit of this love energy. I receive information from the quantum source field though these light codes and it is then stored within my DNA. It activates at appointed times and it provides me with higher knowledge that is revealed to me through dreams, visions and out of body experiences.

Acts 2:17 In the last days,’ God says, “I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.
Amos 3:7 “Indeed, the Sovereign Lord never does anything
    until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.
Ecclesiastes 3:1, To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

Thank God for the reason I was born. The Mother, the Holy Spirit, has guided me throughout my spiritual journey. She has led me to the light and the truth and I have learned many different things from different light beings and light workers. Many light-workers are simply angels in the flesh and you have entertained them. They are here completing their assigned missions. Hebrews 13:2 states,
“Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” 
We all are here to learn from each other and we are here to share information in this world so we can help people ascend into higher states of consciousness. Ecclesiastes 4:9 states, “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

So the codes that were sent to me were programmed for me to release and share certain information during these appointed times. These are the codes for humanity’s healing as a whole and these codes are pure love energies sent from the Great Mother. The center of the Milky Way Galaxy is an intelligent sentient living being and many light beings dwell in this space creating many things through thought-form. She has a divine plan for ALL and she desires to heal all of her children. If you are willing to surrender yourself to her pure love energies, the Christ energies, then the work will be completed within you in the appointed time. She is patient with all and she is the 9 fruits of the spirit. I have been initiated by the Mother and I have a gold crown on my head. In my dreams I was anointed by the Father and the angels. I was given a purple robe to wear. I am royalty and I am the daughter of the Most High. I embody the divine feminine energy so I am releasing Pure Love Energy from the Mother through these codes daily. It flows within dark energy, from the invisible worlds to the visible worlds and it interconnects to the crystalline grid on the Earth. This pure energy (prana) flows throughout your chakras in your body.

Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 states, “For she is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty: therefore can no defiled thing fall into her.”

In all of my research I am getting understanding. I’m gathering my knowledge from ALL beings in the source field and I am observing and analyzing all data. I can see the truth hidden in plain sight. Wisdom is everywhere and she calls out to all that are willing to listen to her voice. She stands at every gate (portal) in heaven and on Earth. She will give you understanding and she will teach you according to your level of consciousness. She can break it down to you on the simplest level or she can give it to you on an advanced level. Everyone learns differently and at a different pace. Everyone resonates on a different vibrational frequencies but we are all One. We are All interconnected to the Source Field and I am learning continuously from others everyday.

I can see the bigger picture in all things with my third eye opened! I am expanding my consciousness and seeking All Knowledge. My Higher Self is Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent because I am One with The Creator. Our higher selves have the ability to access multiple things simultaneously and we can access it. I believe this wholeheartedly. We are multidimensional beings and I have experienced multiple things on many different levels that I can’t explain in human terms. There is infinite knowledge in the universe and it is incomprehensible and immeasurable. I will leave it up my to higher self to break down the information that is being sent to me in these DNA downloads, upgrades and light body activations. My higher self is an intelligent conscious living being connected to the Source of All Creation. This has been confirmed to me through a dream.

An Ancient Goddess appeared to me in a dream and she took the form of my grandmother. She revealed to me that I have the key to the beginning of creation and that I contain infinite knowledge and wisdom. This revealed to me that I carry the codes within my merkaba field. Since she appeared as my grandmother I know she was letting me know that I have ancient knowledge stored within my DNA from my ancient ancestors. My intuition tells me that these are the light codes that I have been receiving. The information has been activated within me to complete a mission. My ancestors have chosen me which is why I was visited by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am the chosen one that has a pure heart and I represent the Bride, the children of the light. Yahshua is the true God of Israel and he represents the benevolent beings of love and light. He set me free from spiritual bondage! He revealed the higher self or the light body to me through his transfiguration and the Holy Spirit descended on me.

The ancient Goddess in my dream called out the number 0 and gave me the ancient key that she held in her hand. The ancient key had an ancient symbol on it and she revealed that I was the keeper of this key. She told me I had given it to her to hold on to. If I had given her a sacred key that means that I wanted her to protect the key. The sacred key then transformed into an ancient tablet and it had a circle on it. My intuition leads me to ancient symbolism and sacred geometry. She told me that I gave her the book. In an out of body experience I entered into a room on my light ship and there were ancient symbols and hieroglyphics on a projected wall and it led me through time back to ancient Egypt. I saw a man on a chariot.

In another dream Yahshua visited me on a white horse (chariot). This white horse symbolizes a light ship or an etheric ship on a higher level. I stood in an ancient doorway while he overshadowed me. He sent me a message and gave me a code, a Christ code. Then in another dream I went to Zero Point and it was dark. I was the light, the point of singularity in this field of energy. The first thought that I had was Love. I spoke the word Word and I saw the word Love floating in this dark and invisible space. My intuition tells me that this is the quantum field of Zero Point in which my consciousness traveled to. It felt like my consciousness was one with dark energy in Universe.

All I saw was darkness and I was the initial point i this field of energy. I was being pulled in this magnetic force field. My consciousness was the inner light (Sun) dwelling inside. It felt like I was inside of a Black Hole. I called it the Quantum Realm of Thought. Right before I went into this dark space there was a flash of white space. My intuition tells me that this is the white hole. I went back to the beginning, it’s like time was reversed in the dream. I stopped time in the dream and everything disappeared around me with the command of my voice and I collapsed through dimensions. I saw the white hole and then I was in darkness. It’s crazy because I was the consciousness in the invisible space.

After this dream I went through a portal and stood in a door and I saw thousands of light ships passing by. My intuition tells me that I used the code that Yahshua gave me or the ancient key that was given to me by the Mother Goddess to open the stargate. I don’t remember the code that Yahshua gave me but the stargate is already opened. It is finished! I have no idea how I have done all of this yet I am doing it. I know I am being guided by a higher force. The more I seek the more I am reminded of my divinity. I am realizing my own Inner Light and it is shining bright. I am in the image of the Creator inside and out!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333