Tag Archives: new earth is here

The Old Earth Passed Away and the New Earth Birthed!

Revelation 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone.

Greeting my dear love ones! One day I came across a video by Dolores Cannon and I listened to her message about the New Earth. I resonated with her on this. She said the New Earth split from the Old Earth like a cell separates into two. The New Earth moves into a new dimension vibrating so fast that it becomes invisible. The Old Earth is left behind vibrating at a lower frequency. I think this is very interesting. I have always believed that the New Earth is in a higher dimension. It’s in another world invisible to us. To me it is where the higher dimensional beings or the angels resides. I have always thought that a portal would open on the Earth and the souls who are ready for ascension would ascend to the New Earth. I have considered this as the rapture that is spoken of in the bible. I say anything is possible and there is always a way. Many people have raised their vibrations on the earth so they are experiencing 5D realites and beyond in their physical body but the physical body hasn’t fully transfigured to phase shift into a higher dimension. No one has vanished or disappeared out of sight as far as I know. But I saw this happen in a dream where a chariot was in the sky and a man walked through a portal and he disappeared. It was like an invisible door on the Earth and somehow the chariot or light ship in the sky had something to do with the portal opening. I saw the ripple in space and it was definitely a portal. So I know there is another world on the other side we just can’t see it.

We can experience the New Earth now with raising our vibrational frequency to Love. We can bring heaven to Earth in our daily lives but the truth is we haven’t fully transitioned our bodies over to the New Earth. We will have a New Body on the New Earth. That New Blueprint has been formed and created. There is no suffering on the New Earth. We will be healed. There is no pain in the New Body that we will merge with. There is no death on the New Earth. All things will be made New! We are going through the changes now and I’m sure that you can feel the shift that is happening on the Earth. New Earth exists now but since time has slowed down here, there is a process that we must experience in this 3rd dimensional reality. We are experiencing the process of the transfiguration. We are learning how the physical body evolves into a higher form. We are all light beings and we are vibrating on a certain frequency. We came from higher dimensions and all we did was change our vibrational frequency to experience life in a lower dimension or density which is the 3rd dimension. In time, many people got trapped and forgot the knowledge of the higher dimensions and their higher selves.

Higher worlds exist but humans were not able to perceive such realities and so we needed to be reminded of heavenly worlds. There are infinite worlds in the Universe and the New Earth is only a portal away. In an instant in a dream I was reminded of a new world that was so beautiful. I asked the Creator to give me a dream and he did. I was in a field and I was a slave. I was captured and I saw myself tied up and I was in bondage. I wanted to be free. I looked towards heaven and I saw a chariot descending. Swing low, sweet chariot was coming to take me home. When the chariot descended it merged with me. Some sort of change occurred with my body and it happened within a twinkling of an eye. It happened extremely fast and the next thing I knew I was one with the chariot and I was traveling in another world. That chariot picked me up and opened a portal to the New World hidden in plain sight. I couldn’t believe what I was experiencing. I tried to wake myself up but I didn’t. I kept blinking my eyes to see if what I was experiencing was real and it was very real. I was flying over crystal clear oceans and I could see colorful cities on the land. It was amazing! The Creator allowed me to see a new world and I have believed what he showed me ever since. I asked and I received.

I know that the New Earth is here! If the sky opens like a scroll the New Heaven and the New Earth will be revealed for all to see. It is my hope that we get to experience New Jerusalem descending. Just know that the New Earth exists simultaneously in another dimension. Let’s continue to raise our vibration higher so we can perceive the New Earth. In another dream I was able to look into another dimension while I stood on the Earth so it is possible to see into a higher realm.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333