Greetings my dear brothers and sisters of the light. May peace be with you all. It’s been a while since I have posted but I have been going through my own tribulations. May peace, love and healing be upon me. I write to you to warn you of the things that’s been happening for so long. As always please do your own research and seek the Creator of All. Most importantly ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to you. The Holy Spirit has led me into many truths from doing my own research. I am still learning many things. I’ve been saying for a long time that what’s hidden in the darkness will be brought to the light. Well, that’s what happening in the world. The false realities that’s been projecting into Earth’s energy grid will soon fall away and disappear. Many people are beginning to awaken from a deep sleep all around the world. Much work is still needed but know that the work is being completed within each of us. It may be that the greater task is being accomplished by the elect, the chosen 144,000. Now I’m just going to get right into it. There is way more, but it’s up for you to seek the truth yourself. I am just sharing what I have learned.
The Dark Brotherhood that has been operating in the world since Ancient Atlantis is still operating in darkness on the Earth today. There is nothing new under the Sun. I have learned a lot of things just by reading the Emerald Tablets and many other texts. Our world has been turned upside down. We have been battling with some dark forces on this planet and it’s time to end this war. The Dark Brotherhood, often associated with malevolent Masons, operates through darkness in secrecy. We all have been given power by the Creator, but they chose to use their light power to create chaos and destruction. They have their own secret agendas and have worked to gain power over the whole world. All that is occurring worldwide has been strategically planned. One must know that freemasonry is an organization built on a pyramidal hierarchy which has occult initiation rituals and its real intentions are obscure to most people. What I tell you is what I have learned. There are some people in the world who have the highest Masonic order. They don’t want genuine peace amongst people. They want to lead the masses, shepherd the herd. Most of the foundations of the Masonic organizations were laid a long time ago. So, what they have built and created is deeply ingrained in people’s consciousness that the full achievement of their program is now only a matter of time. Power is their main reason for doing all of this. Power is what they seek to obtain. Clearly Global Power. I learned this from reading a book.
This is what I can see happening over time with the data I have been collecting from different sources. They have created a global system or network within Earth’s leylines or energy grid. It’s possible they have been casting spells and curses using witchcraft and various forms of sorcery through our planetary grid. Everyone who lives on this planet is connected to the Planetary Grid. The term Holographic insert is being used amongst a group of people to explain what’s been happening. It’s said that holographic inserts operate like a software program. I suppose one can view the planetary grid like a computer. So, we have to understand how they have been trying to program us. They have to be installing programs into this planetary system. It’s said that holographic inserts have integrated into the layers of humanity’s consciousness through the manipulation of the body’s energy field, or light body. Many people say we are experiencing spiritual warfare, and we are being targeted even through energy weapons.
Well, this clearly indicates that our light body is being targeted. One must use their mind to think about this matter, if the light body is being targeted that means your physical bodies are being attacked. We all must learn how to protect our energy fields. We are all electromagnetic beings, and we are connected to the Earth’s electromagnetic field. We can clearly see that there’s an imbalance of energies on the planet and within our own bodies. They have been manipulating the weather on Earth and have been creating viruses. It is my hope that you flee away from all types of vaccinations because this is one way to implant things inside of you without you being aware. The dark forces on the earth are attacking you on a subatomic level. They are trying to alter your DNA. The foods are being poisoned and we can see that the air and water is toxic and being contaminated. I suppose they have been trying to destroy God’s creation.
So, we all have been affected through the inner workings of the dark forces that’s been ruling on the Earth in some way, shape or form. People are becoming sick out of nowhere. People don’t even know what is happening to them. The doctors can’t even explain what’s going on. Medicines were designed to keep you sick because it doesn’t heal your condition at all. Pharmaceutical companies are profiting from illnesses. They are not trying to heal you they are trying to kill you. If you want to know what’s happening right now, we are under attack. We are at war with the Dragon (Draco Reptilians/Lizard People) from Draco Constellation, and the Grays from Zeta Reticuli.
There are probably different malevolent extraterrestrial factions from the constellations of Orion and Draco and the star systems of Sirius and Pleiades. I have also read about star beings from the Ursa Major and Ursa Minor Constellations. There are so many star systems and so many extraterrestrial beings in this Universe and not all are benevolent. We really need to learn about different Star Races and their agendas. Many Et’s have made treaties with people on this planet. Satan is working through the governments, militaries, judicial system, tv programs, music, social media platforms, banks, schools, churches, healthcare etc. They are working in every type of organization you can think of on the earth that has been established. There is small and great in Satan’s kingdom.
Many people have been controlled and manipulated by Satan’s kingdom. Surely Satan has planted his seed here. There are many hybrids living on the earth. Everyone needs to come into the knowledge about different Extraterrestrial Races. ET disclosure is happening, and masses of people are awakening. Many of us know that we have Extraterrestrial DNA. Some of our ancient ancestors were from the stars. Earth is like a laboratory for ET’s to create experiments and many star seeds have been planted on Earth. With that being said, there has to be evolutionary programs designed for all creations. Consider all of the extraterrestrial experiments that has taken place on our planet. Good and bad seeds from Extraterrestrial Races have been planted on Earth and they all have grown up together. There are many beings on this planet that have been seeded from different star systems. But most importantly many things pertaining to consciousness programming have been implanted on the Planetary Grid. Most people don’t have the knowledge of how they are doing this. I been receiving information for a long time regarding this, and I can’t even put into words what these people have been doing against humanity in secret. It’s messed up but there is a Devil in this world, and they are all working and plotting against you through satanic rituals and using sacred geometry to create a certain reality on Earth. Most of the original consciousness programming has been defected and corrupted by evil forces who operate against Enki’s creations on Earth.
All that the evils ones have created in their evil and wicked mind and hearts will be dismantled, from the highest to the lowest degree in these masonic organizations. It doesn’t matter what degree you have achieved; you are all accountable and responsible for the crimes set against humanity. May the Vatican Apostolic Achieve, formerly the Vatican Secret Archives, make public all concealed records. May all spells and curses from the Vatican City be rendered ineffective, nullified, and neutralized. May the holographic structure that is being projected into the Earth’s energy grid from Washington, DC and Rome’s Masonic architectural designs and buildings be dismantled. May all of the Masonic buildings all over the world that were built by the evil ones be dismantled. May this wicked system currently reigning on earth fall in God’s appointed time. May true justice be served by the True God who is righteous and true.
Humanity needs to know that we all arrived here through Stargates. We all need to come to the understanding that many structures were built to target star seeds and different bloodlines. You can see for yourself that their buildings align to the Stars just like the ancient builder race aligned their ancient megalith structures and pyramids to the Stars. People are clueless about how we ascend through stargates and how we navigate through leylines and portals. Many people have been cursed since they were born on the Earth. Why do you think so many people are awakening? Why have they tried so hard to keep you trapped in their system? Just learn how to think for yourself. They been plotting on you through the ages. This is nothing new. They have been targeting many star seeds for thousands and thousands of years. They have created all kinds of rituals and have been using dark magic/witchcraft. We all come from different star systems. We all have different consciousness programming, and they have interfered with that and have done things against our will. Many of our souls originate in different star systems.
Most of you are aware of your ancestral lineage beyond Earth. Know that these people have learned from the Master, the Ancient One. They mastered Thoth’s teachings, and they know how to use and apply the ancient knowledge. You can do good or evil. We all know this by now. What was created in pureness of heart from the original masters became corrupted by these devils. Everyone can’t become initiates in the secret mysteries. Many who join the mystery schools turned dark. Their time has come to an end! I command this false satanic system that has been created and designed to cause harm and suffering against humanity to be dismantled NOW. The original stargate keepers have returned. May you all surrender and be held responsible for all of your crimes. Righteous Judgment goes forth from the Galactic High Court. May the true light of God penetrate through our Sun to the Earth. May the higher light of God penetrate through all the planets in our Solar System during this Sun Cycle. May we all be cleansed and purified from all evil. During this time God is refining and purifying his people like gold and silver.
May all the people in all Races be protected from evil that exists on this planet as they are trying to do everything to destroy us, but we will survive. The Most High will protect his children. May all people be released from spiritual bondage. May all people be healed in every land. May all of our minds be restored. May all of our physical bodies and light bodies be healed. May all of the negative curses and spells be broken that has been directed towards all of us without our knowing. May humanity unite in Peace and in Love! May righteous order return. May the Holy Spirit be invited into the hearts of humanity and may the darkness be transmuted into the light. It’s 10:44! Light Code -Seraphim Sophia