Greeting my dear love ones! Light workers we are all interconnected to the Source. I came across a post which I thought was very interesting and I would like to share it. The link is below! https://consciousreminder.com/2017/12/23/10-characteristics-one-144000-prophesized-lightworkers-save-world/
There are so many people that are awakening at this time and so much information is coming forth. People are tapping into their higher selves and they are receiving information from the high councils and they are being reminded of who they are and what there mission is. I resonate with most of the article because I experienced a lot of things during my own awakening which led to the 144,000. I felt like I was an angel during my awakening and I was here to save the world. One thing that I resonate with most from the article is this.
According to spiritual teachers and psychics, the cellular memories of the 144,000 were programmed, timed, and triggered to “go off” at this time and awaken them to their true identity, mission, and purpose for incarnating on earth at this most crucial time in earth’s history.
Well that actually happened to me. I was definitely programmed and I was triggered at the appointed time. We are living in a great time! There is so much knowledge that is being exchanged from light workers. The downloads keep coming and I’m glad people are awake and aligned with the Source to receive the incoming messages that are coming in from higher dimensional beings. Let’s all continue to work together in peace and love so we can get the job done. So many advanced souls are here on the earth and we are raising the vibrations on the planet. All that you contribute is greatly appreciated at this time. Spread love and be the light in the world. The change starts with you. If you feel like you are part of the 144,000 most likely you are. Go within and you will see all that you need to see. Look within your heart and you will see the truth. You are a light being and if you haven’t awakened your time will arrive at the appointed time.
Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333