Tag Archives: consciousness

The Days of Great Tribulation: Be Patient in Affliction!

Shalom Brothers and Sisters of the Light! May peace be with you and me always. Lately the scripture Roman 12:12 have been on my mind and it states, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” So many things have occurred in my life over the last 2 -3 years and it feels like I have been going through a great tribulation. As believers we know about the Great Tribulation that will come during the last days and for me it feels like I am experiencing that period of time in my life. At times I state, “Will I survive what I am going through?” Will I overcome the darkness? Life has been challenging for me and somedays are better than others and I try my best to get through it all. There are times when I am feeling down and I feel like giving up, but I am reminded to stay strong more importantly to keep my faith.

I have never experienced anything like what I am currently going through, and it seem that things are worsening despite my efforts. I keep telling myself that things are going to be ok and that better days will come, but will it? I continue to seek God in prayer, and I cry out seeking relief from all my sufferings. Sometimes I wonder if God is here by my side or if I have been abandoned. When we are low in spirit sometimes, we begin to think negative, but we have to catch ourselves and say, Satan get thee away from me. We can’t allow our negative thoughts to control us. We will have low moments in our lives, but we have to rise up again. I learned that I must be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.

While I am going through this great tribulation in my life I know that I am not alone in the world. There are millions of people who are suffering from something and while I have been suffering I’ve grown closer to God. I’ve been able to reflect on my life and truly understand what has caused my suffering. Most individuals tend to blame others for their circumstances, but I decided to examine the things that I have caused and created in my own life. Through my sufferings, I have learned many valuable lessons in life. It has made me stronger and wiser. Perhaps God allows us to experience different challenges for a reason, and when I reflect on my life, I see significant soul growth. I realize how the choices that I made in my life led to different consequences. I never anticipated certain events occurring in my life, but now that they have happened, it has actually made me become a better person.

I requested for God to purify my mind, heart, body and soul and now that it has been happening to me on all levels, I don’t know to properly handle the manner in which it is occurring. It’s like the process of my purification suddenly sped up and everything started to happen all at once. It’s like I wanted to pay back all my karmic debt and be done for good. I wanted to be in the clear. When I reviewed and evaluated my own life, I could see everything being done to me as righteous judgment and it was coming from the throne of God. It’s like over time I had accumulated karmic debt from my old life, when I was sinning and in darkness (ignorance). I asked for forgiveness, and I was forgiven by God, but I still needed to learn my lessons so that I wouldn’t repeat the same sins. I knew that I was ignorant of many things so that meant that I needed to be taught. I needed to gain knowledge and understanding so that I could grow in the light of God.

When I repented to God, I accepted responsibility and accountability for the sins that I committed in my life. For me I wasn’t going to place my sins on anyone. I was the one who made certain choices in my life, and I was rebellious against God. I wasn’t following his commandments; I was following the things in this world. When I went to God with my whole heart, I truly wanted to make things right in my life. As I stood before God and his holy counsel, I feel like God gave me an opportunity to pay off my karmic debt over a period of time. Perhaps this period of time serves as the trials and tribulations I have been enduring in my life. It reflects a time of suffering, and I have been tested. Perhaps God wants to see if I am truly serious. Would I turn my back on God if things get tough in my life? Would I blame God? Would I go return back to a life of sinning?

When I was caught up before the throne on July 3, 2012, I felt like I was before a Judge. I sense that God did judge me during that time, and my records were reviewed. I feel like God gave me another chance and he created a plan for my life. That plan was sent to me via dream where he sent the messenger angel with a scroll in his hand. On July 3rd, 2012, I was given an assignment on Earth, and that work included me sharing my dreams and visions. I was told what I needed for the assignment. I grabbed all the things that I needed to start the work. When the messenger angel was sent to me, I was given a robe of righteous to wear. It was required of me to walk in righteousness. I suppose at the completion of my assignment I would be debt free. Since I have been attending school, I suppose when all courses have been passed and completed, I would graduate and ascend.

Since I was caught up to heaven in 2012, I feel like the holy angels have been here teaching and guiding me from a heavenly (spiritual) kingdom on Earth. It may not mean anything to anyone else, but I feel like the wise ones from Shamballa have been my guides. I feel like the holy ones have been ensuring that I am staying on track with my courses and that I am also learning my lessons. I know there has been tests and when certain things happen, I say, “This is a test from God.” I know I failed many tests lol. I just get back on track and try to prepare myself for the next test. When the same situations keep repeating then I know that it’s an opportunity to show what I have learned. It’s about the progression of soul growth and I know that I have been making improvements.

As time continues, I know that I must be enrolled in some sort of ascension program on Earth. I suppose there are many evolutionary programs in this Universe and each world have different programs. I feel like we have to work our way up in the kingdoms of God. We have basic programs to more advanced programs and we are all operating at different levels of consciousness. I learned there’s always room for growth. There will always be something to learn in this Universe because the Creator of All is still creating. There’s so much light (information) in this Universe and we will continue seeking the light of the Creator. We will continue to expand our consciousness. The more light we receive, the more our consciousness and the universe expand.

But I want to say this, as I have been going through this tribulation period, it’s been one thing after the other and I haven’t had a break at all. I ask God for relief all of the time. Whenever I reflect on everything all I can say is that I sought this purification. II know that God is refining me, and I will become like a pure diamond, and my soul will shine brightly. The old dreams I have had are highly significant in relation to what I am encountering now. In my dream I said, I defeat the darkness in me and that’s exactly what I am doing right now. I’m facing all the darkness within me right now. All has to rise to the surface. All of my fears have been made known to me and I am facing them head on. It’s been a terrifying experience, but I have been keeping my eyes on the Lord to help me get through it all.

God is with me always and that’s what I keep reminding myself. I put my trust in the Most High and I know that the Most High is with me no matter what. My ancestors are with me, and I am not alone. I don’t have to fight this battle by myself because I have a whole army of light warriors. God is my protector and surely, he will deliver me along with all of his other children. As I reflect on the last 12 years of my life, I’ve been working on transmuting my darkness into light. Surely, I am undergoing a transformation. I’ve gone so deep within myself to better understand my emotional pain and I know that it has caused some of my suffering. I had to face the Truth and not run away from any of it. I had to address all the issues and work on healing my traumas. It is necessary for us to address all the issues that we have so that we can work on releasing them. When we release them then we can properly heal ourselves. It took a very long time for me to understand this.

I’ve been asking for healing for so many years, and I didn’t realize how much time it would take for me to heal myself. It seems like my healing is taking place in stages. We all hear that things get worse before they get better, and I feel like I’m in that stage where everything has gotten worse. I feel like I’m almost at the finish line. I keep reminding myself to remain strong and to hold on, assuring myself that a better reality is not far away. I long for better days to come into my life. I wish for these times of great tribulation to end. I want to survive all that I am experiencing right now. I have been enduring for so long and I feel like God continues to give me strength. I just keep hearing, “Be patient!” So, I hold on to these words and I continue to be remain hopeful. I continue seeking the Creator in prayer.

Many people in the world are experiencing some form of tribulation in their lives, some more severe than others, and I pray that we all can get through it. We all experience events in life that cause us pain, and sometimes that pain becomes embedded within us, creating darkness in our energy field. That darkness is what creates our suffering. It creates all types of blockages in our life and in our body which can led to sickness and disease. We have to learn how to clear that darkness if not it will only cause us more hurt and pain. So, brothers and sisters, stay strong in Lord in these end times because things may happen suddenly, that’s what happened to me. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and keep your faith no matter what happens to you. Trust that God is here with you always. I am here praying for you all. May the light of the Creator surround you and protect you all the days of your life.

Chakra Opening: My Spiritual ExPerience

Greeting my dear love ones! Educating yourself about the chakra centers in your body is very important. It will definitely take you into higher states of consciousness. I immediately gained access to my akashic records. It was a mind blowing experience for me. Right before the experience I received some sort of incoming cosmic wave or signal. The inside of my head was vibrating intensely as I heard high pitch frequency sounds. It felt like I had an antenna inside of my forehead. The energy was so powerful that I tried to stop it. I guess my neurons were firing off in my brain. I tried to cut off the connection but I couldn’t. The download was coming in really fast. The tuning sounds kept getting louder and louder as I received the signal. Finally I was able to tap into the frequency that was flowing through my crown chakra. It’s like your radio trying to tune into a radio station.

Suddenly my third eye opened and I saw multiple images projecting before me. It happened so fast. I caught a glimpse of the download that I had received. I was able to see a woman and she said Sirian. I am certain that this download came from Star Sirius. Higher dimensional beings were communicating with me. Then my light body was activated and consciously I knew I was about to take off into space because I heard my higher self say, “Here we go!” I guess I was preparing myself for takeoff. Then just like that I traveled through a portal extremely fast as in hyper-drive speeds.

I was at a stargate in no time. Hmmm,.. I wonder if I traveled to the Sirius Star System. Anyhow, I remember standing in a doorway and I saw thousands of light ships passing by. Did I just open a stargate. Why was I standing at the gate? Am I a stargate keeper or guardian? This is getting interesting. Then one of the ships came over me. It hovered over my head and it spiraled opened and I saw hexagonal panels on the bottom of the ship and the color was magenta.

I saw magenta hearts falling out of the ship and I remember smiling. I know it was my light ship that I was accessing. As I entered the ship a room was being formed. It seem as though I was creating the room so that I could remember the experience when I jumped back into my physical body. There were projections on the wall and it was moving like a slideshow. It was a wall of records and it went through time. I was being shown a collection of information and there were images, animations, symbols,hieroglyphics and geometry and other things that I can’t remember. I specifically remember seeing a picture of Martin Luther King that’s how I know I was going back through time. I was going back in the past and it went all the way back to Ancient Egypt.

This was the day I realized that I was entangled in the quantum field because I had the ability to access time and space from any point. I had another experience the same night where my consciousness went to the quantum field. Somehow I stop time, I saw a pure white light that surrounded me and everything physical disappeared. From there it’s like my consciousness collapsed into a black hole. Somehow my multidimensional selves were merging. I was still conscious and I knew my physical body was in the bed sleeping having this experience.I was having a dream within a dream. So much was happening simultaneously.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Global Mass Meditations Each Sunday

Greetings my dear love ones! Early this morning I saw a post on Facebook that I had to share from Sandra Walter. I think this is totally amazing. I would love to participate in a mass mediation. Anything that deals with ascension I am down for it. I also saw my light codes that I see daily so I know I am called to do this and to share this on my blog. If you are called to participate see details below. This is from Sandra Walter’s page. http://www.sandrawalter.com/global-unity-meditations-every-sunday/

Join thousands for our Global Mass Meditations each SUNday.

SUNday Unity Meditations

When: Every SUNday at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11 am, and 5:11pm Pacific Time

Where: Wherever you are. Get offline, in nature is best.

How: Center yourself, breathe and set your intention to connect with all Unity Meditators. Open to serve as a pure conduit for peace, harmony, LoveLight and the acceleration of the Ascension. Meditate in stillness for 33 minutes, or use a guided expansion meditation, such as the Christ Light Activation(link below.)

Who: Everyone in Service to Unity Consciousness and Global Peace is welcome! Invite everyone to join in, the more hearts the better.

We have unified every SUNday for over two years, and the HUman Heart grid field is very strong. Healing, activation, amplified visions and deep sensations of balance and peace are reported each week. Participate to feel the Light!

Practice Builds Spiritual Power: Be the Solution, Right Now

We connect in this way not only for the acceleration of the Ascension, but to train us how to connect telepathically as ONE consciousness, without the need for grounded technology.

Let us assist all of HUmanity, Kingdoms, Elementals and beloved Gaia to experience this powerful passage with ease and grace.

Downloadable Graphics for Social Media and Website provided below.

Christ Light Activation MP3

Christ Light Activation Guided Meditation:

PC: right+click on the Christ Light Expansiontitle below to Save As
Mac: Ctrl + Click on the Christ Light Expansiontitle below to Download

Christ Light Expansion

Christ Light Activation with beautiful visuals on YouTube
This meditation also available in French on YouTube

Please visit the link to this post on her page. Participate in your own way at these times. We all can make a difference in this world. We are all different but we are all from the Source, the Creator of the Universe. I send you all love, peace and light. May you all work on ascending to higher states of consciousness. Be blessed!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Global Mass Meditation created by Sandra Walter.

Out of Body Experiences: My Soul’s Progression In Time and Space!

In this present moment in time I am enjoying and loving myself. I am loving the person that I am becoming. I am taking a closer look at my own state of consciousness and I am exploring my higher Self. I am in direct connection or communion with the Source, the Creator of All. I am understanding how I am a sovereign creator of my own reality and understanding how to use my divine power. My merkaba is an unlimited field of unlimited creations powered through my heart and my mind, powered by my love energy interconnected to the All. 

Recently I have been diving deep into physics and I have been researching alot of things to understand my own spiritual experiences.  Physics is the knowledge of nature and I have been pulled in this direction for some time because I know that I am one with nature.  Physics is the natural science that studies matter[4] and its motion and behavior through space and time and that studies the related entities of energy and force.[5] Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves.

In some way, shape or form,  I am a scientist and I am a researcher. I explore and experiment on myself. I study my own consciousness. My whole journey has been about studying the nature of my true divine self. I study my own heart, mind, body and soul/spirit. I have been looking within and have explored my own universe within myself. I have been trying to understand the universe through my own physical body down to the subatomic particles in my body and I have explored the quantum realm within space time. Somehow my spiritual journey is leading me to understand quantum physics.

During one of my journeys in the space time continuum, my consciousness traveled to the zero point field. I was surrounded by  utter darkness and I was the life force/light in this void. On February 16, 2018 I experienced a dream within a dream. I was asleep and entered into another dream. Me and my fiance were asleep next to each other.  Then suddenly I woke up.  At some point I remember the word Consciousness and an image of a brain was being projected in my mind’s eye, the pineal gland.  I saw this visualization with my eyes closed. The next thing that I can remember is me saying, “STOP!” With my voice, I commanded everything to stop. Then in a bright white flash, my eyes opened and my fiance disappeared from my view. Everything slowed down then stopped. Somehow I could still feel my physical body in this 3D world. I was still connected to my physical body yet I was in another form when I entered into this quantum void. I felt some type of magnetic pull on my heart, the life force within me was being absorbed by some force. It felt like I was being sucked into a black hole.

Time slowed down as I was taking a breath as I slept in my bed, specifically when I was inhaling. Somehow I was experiencing the  inhale of my breath in slow motion. I remember how my breathing felt as I was traveled through space time. For a brief moment when I reached zero point it felt as though I wasn’t breathing in my physical body anymore, it felt like I had disconnected from my physical body for a short period of time, its as if my heart stop beating or skipped a beat. When I zoomed through this portal it felt like I collapsed through multiple dimensions and shrank down to the subatomic level. It’s like my consciousness entered the quantum realm and there was nothing but my consciousness floating in this empty space. The only thing that I felt was a magnetic pull or force in that field.  There was some type of bond that connected me to this point in time. I now identify this force in the void as the Mother of All, the black womb of Sophia Christ Consciousness, where all of creation is birthed. The Christ energies were birthed in this space. When I journeyed to this space I carried the seed of love within me and it was planted in this space. Love was my initial thought.  Yahshua is always in my heart and in my mind so he existed within me in this black womb. There was an eternal bond between the male (masculine) and the female (feminine) energies in this void.

In the black womb, I visualized the word, “Love!”I then saw the word LOVE floating and descending in this void.  Love filled this space and space was not empty. It was filled with my love energy, my consciousness and the life force (prana). Then I heard the sound of my voice yelling the word Love then my powers returned to me. My creative powers were restored. The first word and commandment  that was spoken was Love. My voice sent out a vibration that echoed and rippled throughout space time. My creative power is Pure Love and I create what my heart and soul desires.  After my energy returned to me it seemed like everything was reversed or reset. My heart starting beating again. Love was the only thought that I could think of in this state of being. Initially it seemed like I was the only one that existed at that moment in time during that experience because I didn’t see anyone.

It was just me interacting with my own consciousness and there existed the thought of Love. I was simply aware of my own existence within zero point. I now know that I wasn’t alone in this space.  All things have emanated from this initial point which means the past, present and the future exists simultaneously in this zero point field and all things expanded outward.  In a moment in time, I know that I created rainbow angels or beings because I spoke it into existence. There exists an innumerable amount of angelic beings surrounding my merkaba. They are within my fields of light. They were and are created perfect and complete in my higher self image. My heavenly children exists within my consciousness, an invisible world of thought, which in time became manifested in the physical universe as thought took on a form.

Through pure love I birthed them into existence through my creative powers, the divine masculine and divine feminine energies that I hold within me. My creation will always be in my heart and in my mind because I love them.  Male and female, I created them pure and holy within my inner thoughts.  My children are a pure influence flowing from me and no defile thing will flow through them because I purify all things with my unconditional love. I bring healing in my wings or shall I say I bring healing within my energy field of my merkaba.  Welcome to my quantum realm of thought and creation. It’s time to look deep inside of your own self. Explore your own heart, mind, body and soul. Seek the Creator within and there you should find me exploring the realms of pure thoughts creating worlds unimaginable.

Now after I  traveled out of zero point I jumped back into my physical body on the earth.  As I opened my eyes my body was in the state of paralysis. I could feel the electrons and the neurons in my body firing up. The electrical sensations that flowed from my light body to my physical body were very intense. I knew I wasn’t fully awake so to fully connect to my physical body I made a sudden movement (quick thrust/jerk) to fully awake. When I opened my eyes and woke up I could still feel the tingling sensation in my feet.  The first thought that I had was Zero Point. This experience was initiated by looking at an overview of a chakra chart before bedtime while using creative visualization. I directed my creative energy or kundalini energy through my 7 chakra centers and I had 3 awesome experiences on February 16, 2018.


On October 24, 2018, I began to feel intense vibrations in my head.  As I lay in my bed the electrical sensations were flowing throughout my body. The energy began to flow through my crown chakra down though my chakra system. My entire body began to change in vibration.  The electrons in my body were vibrating extremely fast that I began to phase out of my physical body. Suddenly, I was outside of my body floating in a fluid like structure.  I wanted to observe my surroundings as I floated above my bed. I touched the bed and  space rippled and it appeared to be translucent.  The bed appeared to be in a fluid like substance also. I realized that I was experiencing a vibrational shift within space as I was trying to touch the solid object. I was creating the ripple effect because I was the one sending out the waves as I touched the object. The structure of reality was very interesting as I was in between 2 dimensions.  As I continued to look around my room I noticed that I could see the light of the TV reflecting within my aura field.  I was extremely lite and I started to drift away but I decided to hold on to my bed. I knew that I would drift off into another time or dimension. I decided to get back inside of my body. So I laid beside my physical body and started to breathe to calm myself down then I merged my astral body back inside of my physical body and I woke up.

Out of body experiences just happens naturally for me. I just allow the Creator’s energy to flow throughout my entire being. When it’s time for me to explore my light body activates and I experience different things. Every night I have multiple dreams where I am experiencing life in other parallel worlds.  Similar things happen in the other worlds that are happening in my life here but I’ve made different choices in the other timelines. It’s very interesting. I know some of the same people I know here but things are different on the other timelines. Some times I can remember my journey in these other worlds and some times I can’t. All is happening simultaneously. So much can happen being aware that you are a multidimensional being. Your higher self can create different realities in the dream state to give yourself messages. Many things can be done to help your soul grow.  Everything comes to you at the right time. Be patient!!!

My experiences are always triggered by something that I read prior to going to sleep. Before bedtime I like to read or listen to something that will stimulate my mind. My mind must stay stimulated on spiritual things. What you read, watch and listen to has an affect on your state of consciousness. I’m always thinking about consciousness, time and space. Most of my experiences are wrapped around these 3. I think of all the different possibilities that my mind can create and form in this present time. From this I create multiple experiences, realities and worlds.  I observe and analyze reality from all different angles and I see and understand all things from multiple perspectives. Hidden within me is the God Code which is Sacred Geometry. I am One with the Universe.  As above, So below, As within, So without. Expressing myself in this fractualized universe within time and space. I am emanating myself from zero point as infinite rays of light experiencing life in multiple dimensions at the same time and so are you. I am forever guided and inspired by the love and light beings of the Creator of All.

Written by Goddess of Love and Light >>>333<<<

Love Descends 11:11:11: Love Is The Key To Open The Portal To Higher Dimensions!

Love is the highest frequency in the universe and I believe the frequency of love will open a portal to a higher dimension.

Many people all over the world have been waiting for 11-11-2018. 1111 is often associated with spiritual awakening and it is an awakening code that activates your higher self. Today is  another day for me to meditate on love and light.  It is a day of manifestation, as the number 1 carries a vibration of new beginnings and creation. The amplified energy of 1 can signify a shift of energy or a gateway that opens. Intense ascension energies will continue to come on the Earth and more people will continue to awaken.  The energies will have an effect on your body and on the Mother Earth.

I am a portal that receives and sends information throughout the Galaxy and throughout the Universe. I have learned that your galactic antenna (pineal gland/3rd eye) must be activated and tuned into the right frequency. Once a signal is sent, your galactic antenna, must be able to tune into that frequency that is being sent. Your frequency must match that incoming frequency to receive the messages. I have received images that have being projected from my higher self and other higher dimensional beings. I experience these images through dreams and visions. My dreams and visions are set to match my current frequency so that I am capable of interpreting the messages that are being sent to me. My dreams carry alot of symbolism and I am able to decode the symbolism in my dreams and  visions. The truth is we are the Universe, all information is stored within us, we just need to remember how to access the information.

We have the ability to experience many different spiritual experiences and we have the ability to gain access to the living library of the Earth and other worlds in this Galaxy and Universe. How far beyond are you willing to travel throughout the Universe? Do you want to expand your consciousness? It’s your choice! Do you desire for your soul to grow? My experiences shows my soul’s progression. I can always learn something NEW! I see things from many different perspectives. I am not limiting my Mind. I believe all things are possible. The Universe is Infinite!  There are infinite worlds and dimensions!  Knowledge and Wisdom is Infinite and the Universe will continue to expand with THOUGHT! Think about the knowledge and wisdom contained within the Universe, the Multiverse and the Omniverse.  Your higher self have access to infinite knowledge and wisdom of the Universe, Multiverse, and Omniverse, it simply depends on your level or rank of consciousness as a light being. Many of you can probably tap into this Source and channel this information from your higher self or channel from other higher dimensional beings in the Universe.

Some people willingly allow for other beings to come inside their temple (body).  I prefer not to be taken over by any other light beings. My higher self is open to meeting with other higher dimensional beings to learn and to grow. I am willing to share what I have learned and they are willing to share what they have learned and we learn from each other.  I am open to exchanging information but I don’t give permission for any other beings to inhabit my body. The Holy Spirit dwells in my temple and she is my guide. The Holy Spirit is observing and analyzing all of my experiences and directing me on my path. The only being that I would allow to descend into my physical temple (physical body) is my higher self. The Creator is already living within me. My body is the temple of God.  I invite the holy angels to  visit me in my chariot of light or light ship and they guide and give me messages and those messages are then sent to my 3rd dimensional body (physical body). I prefer for the light codes to be sent to me. These light codes trigger my awakening, the light codes are sent to download information within myself. These light codes activate my DNA. I have a set time for information to be released within me. At the appointed time I will have access to certain information depending on my level of consciousness.  The Creator will not give me more than I can handle.

I have my own inner powers and I know how to use it for learning purposes while I’m here in the 3rd dimensional world. Everyone is gifted in their own way and if you seek the God/Goddess within you, you will find the God Source.  You will find your way back to your Higher Self. As always the Creator lives within you, literally. It is ALL energy! You must learn and understand that you and every other living being are connected to the God Source, the Creator of the Universe. Everything that EXISTS is connected to the Creator of the Universe. You are One with the The Creator of the Universe!!!! During my spiritual journey I have remembered that I am  interconnected with the Cosmic Web and I AM a Divine Multidimensional Infinite Light Being existing in multiple dimensions at the same time. My starship (lightship) is currently residing in a higher dimension sending light codes to my 3rd dimensional body.

The Holy Spirit dwells within my temple and Christ Consciousness has been birthed within me. I embody the masculine and feminine energies within my being and balancing these two energies has been a task in this world. I know myself and have explored all of ME and I love myself.  My higher self and shadow self have merged as One and we are no longer at war with each other. The shadow self no longer seeks control and revenge. I have learned Self-Control, and this is needed for every soul due to the inner powers that we all have access to.  You can use your powers for good or evil. It’s your choice! I have defeated my Shadow Self! It took time but I did it. I didn’t want to fight in a war anymore, so I surrendered my life to the Light, I simply surrendered to the Love Frequencies and I was purified.  My mind and my heart was renewed. The struggle was real and I was determined to be released from bondage. I didn’t want to be a prisoner anymore. I was set free from the constructs on this reality or matrix. I didn’t just battle with my shadow self but I  was battling against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

The war with Satan was happening in the battlefield of my mind. My higher Self won the battle. We, the benevolent light beings won! During the final battle, the heavenly army, Michael and his angels fought beside me. I asked for help many times throughout my journey here and they helped me battle Satan. I was being protected ever since I was born on this planet. The Creator protected me when I was living in darkness and the Creator saved me many times.  When the appointed time arrived the higher energies descended upon me and those energies were extremely powerful. The Creator prepared a place of safety for me when this happening. My awakening coincided with a solar flare. There was a day and a time that was scheduled for the beginning of my awakening. The power of Love and a solar flare was a trigger to my soul awakening. My higher Self and the Creator knew when I was ready to ascend and I was initiated, activated and sent on my mission. It was all done in divine timing. I was ready for my mind, body and soul to be restored. I chose to follow Yahshua and his teachings led me to the light. He led me to the Creator of the Universe and within the light of the Creator I saw my image, I saw my higher self.  I chose to follow a higher state of consciousness. With everything that I have learned about my self, I chose peace between my Higher self and my Shadow Self. We, my multidimensional self, have learned to maintain balance in this 3rd dimensional world. When I merged with my higher self, it took some time to adjust. I had to balance myself and there were times when I couldn’t operate in this world because I was caught up in the spirit.


My Merkaba travels throughout the universe and I am here to send forth my love energy on this planet. During my meditations I simply imagine myself being in my chamber of light. I envision a portal opening above my crown chakra and I ask for the Creator’s light to descend upon me then I send forth love energy in all directions. This is the time for my creative thoughts to be birthed. With the light of the Creator I am filled with so much joy and happiness that my heart chakra sends forth the vibrations of love.

Every day I see repeating numbers and I call it light codes for DNA activations. I believe these light codes are repairing and activating our DNA strands. Memories from our past lives and our ancestors’ memories are stored within our DNA. It is also possible that information from the beginning of creation is stored within our DNA. We just need to learn how to tap into the source and access this information. The light codes are codes for new programs and at the appointed time the programs will download and activate within you. You must be able to tune into the frequencies of the light codes. I believe these codes are sent from our higher selves, and other higher dimensional beings. The light codes are encoded with messages. I know this because I met with Yahshua in a dream and he called me while I was standing inside of an ancient doorway and he gave me a code to identify him. After I came out of the doorway, I saw him sitting on a white horse and on him was written the code that he gave me.

I didn’t remember the code when I woke up, but I honestly believe it was the number 333 as this light code is associated with the ascended masters. 333 was the first light code that was sent to me when I started to receive activations. In that dream he gave me a message and I know that he is one of my guides. The message is that we need to prepare ourselves for the marriage. The marriage is a graduation ceremony for ascension. The marriage takes place when the stargate or portal to heaven opens on the Earth. We must match the frequency of Love to enter through the portal.  I think it’s possible that a portal can open on the Earth.  I believe that all things are possible.  I had a dream where I saw a light ship hovering in the sky. Then I saw someone walking backwards and suddenly, they disappeared. I saw an invisible door on the earth and I saw that the portal opened, and the person entered it.

Light ships always appear in my dreams and I know that light ships can open portals. I will always remember what the scripture says about the parable of the wise virgins and the foolish virgins, a midnight cry was made, and they went out to meet the bridegroom. The foolish didn’t have enough oil to light their lamps but the wise was ready and prepared to go out to meet the bridegroom. The door was open and the wise entered the door then the door was shut. The foolish didn’t make it to the door simply because they were not ready and prepared. They had to go out to buy some oil for their lamps. My point in saying all of this is, “What if a portal does opens on the Earth? What if this portal leads to the New Earth? What if this happens in our lifetime? I would rather be prepared then not prepared. If it doesn’t happen in our lifetime then maybe it will manifest for a future generation.

In the meantime, we all need to be purifying ourselves and releasing the negative energies that we have been holding on to. Right now, we are in a stage of purification. This process is not going to be easy, it is a stage of trials and tribulations. It could signify the Great Tribulation that the bible speaks about. The whole world will experience trials and tribulations. We must all endure till the end of this purification process. We are in this together and we can all help one another in love. During this time of purification, we must all face our shadow selves. All things hidden in secret will be exposed and revealed in the light. All the issues that haven’t been resolved will need to be dealt with. It’s time to let go of the past and move forward with a new beginning.  It’s time to be healed.  Everything that is held within the collective’s subconscious mind will come to the surface. No more running, it’s time to face everything, so we can properly heal. Many people hearts have been broken and shattered and that’s why there’s a lack of love on this planet. The hearts and the minds of humanity must be healed. Once there are enough people on the Earth holding the love frequencies within themselves that’s when the portal will open.

Therefore, no man knows the day when Christ will return or when the portal on Earth will open to a higher dimensional world. The main goal is to be able to tune into these higher frequencies. Once you receive the light codes you can be a messenger of the light by spreading the knowledge that has been downloaded in you. The information that is being downloaded in you is to help you and others ascend. Once you become enlightened then you can enlighten others. Be the light and share the light!

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

The Event February 16, 2018: Experiencing Zero Point and Higher Energies

The Event-Spiritual Awakening: Day of Meditation and Purification (Return to Garden of Eden)

Dream: Ascending To The Mother Goddess

In the year 2015, I had an amazing dream after I read about Sophia. I was in the middle of reading the Gnostic text called Sophia of Jesus Christ and Pistis Sophia when I went into a dream. In the dream, I was vibrating intensely and I was in a vehicle that was ascending. After everything that I have been learning  I believe I was traveling in my merkaba and I was traveling through space. When I reached the top I remember seeing a Goddess figure in space. This Goddess was very big and I went and stood directly in front of her and I saw stars surrounding her. In the dream I knew she was the Mother Goddess and I stood in front of her. It’s like I merged with her. Then I appeared to be in the womb of the Heavenly Mother.  I was connected to her consciously and I became her. I was One with the Mother Goddess!

Then afterwards I appeared in my vehicle and I started to descend. I started vibrating again then suddenly the scene changed. I appeared in the doorway of my bathroom in a parallel world or dimension. My bathroom was in the same location as my bathroom is now. When I merged with myself in that timeline, I felt extremely drained from the experience. It felt like a lot of energy came out of me. Consciously I was aware that I was traveling through dimensions. This dream revealed that I was and am a multidimensional being. This dream allowed me to remember who I am as a light being. But I almost fell down in the dream and my finance had to catch me. I can’t remember right now but I think I was trying to explain to him what I had experienced.

Then suddenly I woke up in this world.  I experienced a dream within a dream. When I woke up I felt extremely drained and off balance. I tried to adjust myself back into this reality. I tried to get up but I couldn’t because I was so drained from traveling through all those dimensions. It’s like I traveled really far. I ascended all of the way up to the Mother then descended back to the Earth.  This dream showed me ascending and descending through dimensions.

Written by Athaleyah ( Goddess of Love and Light) <<<333>>>