Tag Archives: Sandra Walter

Global Mass Meditations Each Sunday

Greetings my dear love ones! Early this morning I saw a post on Facebook that I had to share from Sandra Walter. I think this is totally amazing. I would love to participate in a mass mediation. Anything that deals with ascension I am down for it. I also saw my light codes that I see daily so I know I am called to do this and to share this on my blog. If you are called to participate see details below. This is from Sandra Walter’s page. http://www.sandrawalter.com/global-unity-meditations-every-sunday/

Join thousands for our Global Mass Meditations each SUNday.

SUNday Unity Meditations

When: Every SUNday at 5:11am, 8:11am, 11:11 am, and 5:11pm Pacific Time

Where: Wherever you are. Get offline, in nature is best.

How: Center yourself, breathe and set your intention to connect with all Unity Meditators. Open to serve as a pure conduit for peace, harmony, LoveLight and the acceleration of the Ascension. Meditate in stillness for 33 minutes, or use a guided expansion meditation, such as the Christ Light Activation(link below.)

Who: Everyone in Service to Unity Consciousness and Global Peace is welcome! Invite everyone to join in, the more hearts the better.

We have unified every SUNday for over two years, and the HUman Heart grid field is very strong. Healing, activation, amplified visions and deep sensations of balance and peace are reported each week. Participate to feel the Light!

Practice Builds Spiritual Power: Be the Solution, Right Now

We connect in this way not only for the acceleration of the Ascension, but to train us how to connect telepathically as ONE consciousness, without the need for grounded technology.

Let us assist all of HUmanity, Kingdoms, Elementals and beloved Gaia to experience this powerful passage with ease and grace.

Downloadable Graphics for Social Media and Website provided below.

Christ Light Activation MP3

Christ Light Activation Guided Meditation:

PC: right+click on the Christ Light Expansiontitle below to Save As
Mac: Ctrl + Click on the Christ Light Expansiontitle below to Download

Christ Light Expansion

Christ Light Activation with beautiful visuals on YouTube
This meditation also available in French on YouTube

Please visit the link to this post on her page. Participate in your own way at these times. We all can make a difference in this world. We are all different but we are all from the Source, the Creator of the Universe. I send you all love, peace and light. May you all work on ascending to higher states of consciousness. Be blessed!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Global Mass Meditation created by Sandra Walter.