Tag Archives: forgiveness

The Days of Great Tribulation: Be Patient in Affliction!

Shalom Brothers and Sisters of the Light! May peace be with you and me always. Lately the scripture Roman 12:12 have been on my mind and it states, “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” So many things have occurred in my life over the last 2 -3 years and it feels like I have been going through a great tribulation. As believers we know about the Great Tribulation that will come during the last days and for me it feels like I am experiencing that period of time in my life. At times I state, “Will I survive what I am going through?” Will I overcome the darkness? Life has been challenging for me and somedays are better than others and I try my best to get through it all. There are times when I am feeling down and I feel like giving up, but I am reminded to stay strong more importantly to keep my faith.

I have never experienced anything like what I am currently going through, and it seem that things are worsening despite my efforts. I keep telling myself that things are going to be ok and that better days will come, but will it? I continue to seek God in prayer, and I cry out seeking relief from all my sufferings. Sometimes I wonder if God is here by my side or if I have been abandoned. When we are low in spirit sometimes, we begin to think negative, but we have to catch ourselves and say, Satan get thee away from me. We can’t allow our negative thoughts to control us. We will have low moments in our lives, but we have to rise up again. I learned that I must be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.

While I am going through this great tribulation in my life I know that I am not alone in the world. There are millions of people who are suffering from something and while I have been suffering I’ve grown closer to God. I’ve been able to reflect on my life and truly understand what has caused my suffering. Most individuals tend to blame others for their circumstances, but I decided to examine the things that I have caused and created in my own life. Through my sufferings, I have learned many valuable lessons in life. It has made me stronger and wiser. Perhaps God allows us to experience different challenges for a reason, and when I reflect on my life, I see significant soul growth. I realize how the choices that I made in my life led to different consequences. I never anticipated certain events occurring in my life, but now that they have happened, it has actually made me become a better person.

I requested for God to purify my mind, heart, body and soul and now that it has been happening to me on all levels, I don’t know to properly handle the manner in which it is occurring. It’s like the process of my purification suddenly sped up and everything started to happen all at once. It’s like I wanted to pay back all my karmic debt and be done for good. I wanted to be in the clear. When I reviewed and evaluated my own life, I could see everything being done to me as righteous judgment and it was coming from the throne of God. It’s like over time I had accumulated karmic debt from my old life, when I was sinning and in darkness (ignorance). I asked for forgiveness, and I was forgiven by God, but I still needed to learn my lessons so that I wouldn’t repeat the same sins. I knew that I was ignorant of many things so that meant that I needed to be taught. I needed to gain knowledge and understanding so that I could grow in the light of God.

When I repented to God, I accepted responsibility and accountability for the sins that I committed in my life. For me I wasn’t going to place my sins on anyone. I was the one who made certain choices in my life, and I was rebellious against God. I wasn’t following his commandments; I was following the things in this world. When I went to God with my whole heart, I truly wanted to make things right in my life. As I stood before God and his holy counsel, I feel like God gave me an opportunity to pay off my karmic debt over a period of time. Perhaps this period of time serves as the trials and tribulations I have been enduring in my life. It reflects a time of suffering, and I have been tested. Perhaps God wants to see if I am truly serious. Would I turn my back on God if things get tough in my life? Would I blame God? Would I go return back to a life of sinning?

When I was caught up before the throne on July 3, 2012, I felt like I was before a Judge. I sense that God did judge me during that time, and my records were reviewed. I feel like God gave me another chance and he created a plan for my life. That plan was sent to me via dream where he sent the messenger angel with a scroll in his hand. On July 3rd, 2012, I was given an assignment on Earth, and that work included me sharing my dreams and visions. I was told what I needed for the assignment. I grabbed all the things that I needed to start the work. When the messenger angel was sent to me, I was given a robe of righteous to wear. It was required of me to walk in righteousness. I suppose at the completion of my assignment I would be debt free. Since I have been attending school, I suppose when all courses have been passed and completed, I would graduate and ascend.

Since I was caught up to heaven in 2012, I feel like the holy angels have been here teaching and guiding me from a heavenly (spiritual) kingdom on Earth. It may not mean anything to anyone else, but I feel like the wise ones from Shamballa have been my guides. I feel like the holy ones have been ensuring that I am staying on track with my courses and that I am also learning my lessons. I know there has been tests and when certain things happen, I say, “This is a test from God.” I know I failed many tests lol. I just get back on track and try to prepare myself for the next test. When the same situations keep repeating then I know that it’s an opportunity to show what I have learned. It’s about the progression of soul growth and I know that I have been making improvements.

As time continues, I know that I must be enrolled in some sort of ascension program on Earth. I suppose there are many evolutionary programs in this Universe and each world have different programs. I feel like we have to work our way up in the kingdoms of God. We have basic programs to more advanced programs and we are all operating at different levels of consciousness. I learned there’s always room for growth. There will always be something to learn in this Universe because the Creator of All is still creating. There’s so much light (information) in this Universe and we will continue seeking the light of the Creator. We will continue to expand our consciousness. The more light we receive, the more our consciousness and the universe expand.

But I want to say this, as I have been going through this tribulation period, it’s been one thing after the other and I haven’t had a break at all. I ask God for relief all of the time. Whenever I reflect on everything all I can say is that I sought this purification. II know that God is refining me, and I will become like a pure diamond, and my soul will shine brightly. The old dreams I have had are highly significant in relation to what I am encountering now. In my dream I said, I defeat the darkness in me and that’s exactly what I am doing right now. I’m facing all the darkness within me right now. All has to rise to the surface. All of my fears have been made known to me and I am facing them head on. It’s been a terrifying experience, but I have been keeping my eyes on the Lord to help me get through it all.

God is with me always and that’s what I keep reminding myself. I put my trust in the Most High and I know that the Most High is with me no matter what. My ancestors are with me, and I am not alone. I don’t have to fight this battle by myself because I have a whole army of light warriors. God is my protector and surely, he will deliver me along with all of his other children. As I reflect on the last 12 years of my life, I’ve been working on transmuting my darkness into light. Surely, I am undergoing a transformation. I’ve gone so deep within myself to better understand my emotional pain and I know that it has caused some of my suffering. I had to face the Truth and not run away from any of it. I had to address all the issues and work on healing my traumas. It is necessary for us to address all the issues that we have so that we can work on releasing them. When we release them then we can properly heal ourselves. It took a very long time for me to understand this.

I’ve been asking for healing for so many years, and I didn’t realize how much time it would take for me to heal myself. It seems like my healing is taking place in stages. We all hear that things get worse before they get better, and I feel like I’m in that stage where everything has gotten worse. I feel like I’m almost at the finish line. I keep reminding myself to remain strong and to hold on, assuring myself that a better reality is not far away. I long for better days to come into my life. I wish for these times of great tribulation to end. I want to survive all that I am experiencing right now. I have been enduring for so long and I feel like God continues to give me strength. I just keep hearing, “Be patient!” So, I hold on to these words and I continue to be remain hopeful. I continue seeking the Creator in prayer.

Many people in the world are experiencing some form of tribulation in their lives, some more severe than others, and I pray that we all can get through it. We all experience events in life that cause us pain, and sometimes that pain becomes embedded within us, creating darkness in our energy field. That darkness is what creates our suffering. It creates all types of blockages in our life and in our body which can led to sickness and disease. We have to learn how to clear that darkness if not it will only cause us more hurt and pain. So, brothers and sisters, stay strong in Lord in these end times because things may happen suddenly, that’s what happened to me. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and keep your faith no matter what happens to you. Trust that God is here with you always. I am here praying for you all. May the light of the Creator surround you and protect you all the days of your life.

Healing the Minds and the hearts of humanity

Greeting my dear love ones! We are now in a time where healing is going forth in the world. Intense energies are now descending in this world and the lives of many are being changed. We are still in a transformational period and more souls shall be awakened by these intense energies that are coming in on our planet. All that I have done has not been in vain. I am now manifesting my dreams and desires into the physical world. Healing for all of humanity is one of my dreams and it is my hope that humanity is healed through unconditional love. I’ve always desired true love for myself and I’ve always wanted others to experience true love. True love can heal all things no matter what. True love always finds a way. I believe love conquers all fear and all evil and it can purify dark souls. Love creates spiritual freedom for our soul and I am manifesting these healing energies through my own pure heart.

What I feel in my heart manifests through my mind as pure thoughts. My pure thoughts then creates reality. I am creating a world filled with love, joy, and happiness. A world filled with kind-hearted people who have the ability to show compassion towards others. All that I have within me is love. Love is the foundation of my creation and truth will always set you free. A seed of love was planted inside of me and it has been planted inside of you. The seed of love will blossom inside of your heart and expand throughout your whole body. The love energy that flows throughout your torus field will transmute all of the pain, traumas, suffering and all negative feelings and emotions that you have experienced in all of your lifetimes and you shall be healed. I desire happiness for myself but more importantly I desire happiness for the whole universe. We have all suffered greatly in this world. The curse that was placed upon humanity shall be removed through true love. Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and through love all things shall be made new.

Every soul deserves to be loved. If a soul decides to reject love then that soul could remain in darkness for some time until they learn what love is and how to love. I believe in redemption and anyone can be saved. No one can force you to change your ways you must seek change for yourself. You must love yourself enough to seek help. Self-love is extremely important and you must be able to forgive yourself. We have a savior but we need to save ourselves. We shouldn’t want someone to suffer for our wrongdoings, we should take responsibility for our own thoughts, behaviors and actions. Love will always exist forever. Love is one of the greatest gifts from the Creator of All and so is forgiveness, grace and mercy. In my reality love will penetrate through every man, woman and child and every lifeform on this Earth and throughout the entire universe. Everything is all interconnected in the Universe. We are all One! There is always an appointed time for everything under the Sun an there will be a time for healing.

Every individual on this Earth will experience their awakening at their appointed time. Each soul must come to the realization that a change is needed within themselves. The change must come natural and it can’t be forced. When I surrendered to love the gates of heaven opened to me and I returned to my true self. My whole reality changed. Love was and is the key for the portal of heaven to open. New Jerusalem will descend from heaven when the vibration on the planet resonates to the love frequency. Many light workers are here assisting with this. So many benevolent beings in the Universe have been called for this mission. They have heard the call and they have come to help. Many benevolent beings have incarnated on the planet and many are helping from their star ships/light ships/mother-ships. Those who are ready to ascend will enter a portal that leads to the New Earth and I believe the New Earth is already here, it is invisible or cloaked. It may be hidden in plain sight. For some reason I believe Earth has multiple dimensions within herself. There are worlds within worlds and I think some people have the ability to see within these other realms and I believe there may be portals on the Earth that lead to these other worlds.

So now is the time to release everything. All truth will come to the light and all will be revealed. Lets all forgive, it’s time to evolve to the next level. We all have been hurt at some point in our lives and we have all held on to negative emotions and feelings. We can no longer hold that pain inside of us. We must accept the truth about who we are, how we feel and what we have done. It’s time to truly evaluate our own true intentions. If you are angry, sad, bitter, jealous, or full of hate you must face your shadow self and address all of the issues that haven’t been resolved. Let us all be healed! Let us be free!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333

Forgiveness of Sin Prayer

Lord throughout this prayer and throughout this day I pray for myself and every person on this earth. Heavenly Father have mercy on us and our children and grandchildren, our friends and family and the people we have prayed for.  Please blot out all our transgressions, and wash us totally from our iniquities and cleanse us from our sins. For we do acknowledge our transgressions before you. Behold we were brought forth in iniquity and in sin our mother conceived us, and behold You desire truth in the inward parts, in the hidden parts You will make us to know wisdom. Purge us with hyssop, we shall be clean, wash us and we shall be whiter than snow. Create in us a clean heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within us and do not cast us away from Your Presence. Please do not take Your Holy Spirit from us but restore to us the joy of Your salvation and uphold us by Your generous Spirit that we would be able to teach transgressors Your ways and sinners can be converted to You. Deliver us from all evil, God of our salvation, and our tongue shall sing aloud of Your Righteousness.  Oh Heavenly Father, I ask You to forgive me and every person on this earth of our sins, transgressions, iniquities, trespasses, and I ask You to cover those sins with the blood of Jesus Christ (Yahshua Hamashiach).  Father I truly repent for my sins and I pray that others will repent of their sins. Halleluyah! Amen!

Written by Sister Carter (With Guidance)