Tag Archives: heaven

The 7th Trumpet: The Rise of a new kingdom!

Greeting my dear love ones! The old reality in which the world lived in is now passing away. The old Earth and the old Heaven is passing away. More specifically the 3rd dimension is passing away! A New Earth and a New Heaven are being created! The vibration of the planet is changing into a much higher vibrational frequency. This indicates that higher energies are descending to the Earth and this to me represents the return of Christ. I have been anticipating the return of Christ since I was caught up in the Spirit in July 2012. I was anointed by God and the holy angels. They have prepared me to fulfill my mission and I am completing it. I was sent to this Earth to prepare the way for the return of Christ. I wanted to help humanity and I wanted to assist the light beings or angels. When you look deeper into the mysteries in the bible you can truly see that the spirit of Elijah lives on the Earth.

All of the testimonies of the prophets and prophetess lives on the Earth. The truth is around us! The testimonies of the saints in the Old Testament and the New Testament are the 2 Olive Trees and the 2 Lampstands. The saints of God have become the living word and they are the light of the world. We are a tree of life and we are a pillar of light that stands before the Lord of the Earth. We share the truth and the light unto the world. The light is information! Elijah lives within all who are preparing the way for Christ. He also lived within John the Baptist. He was one with the spirit of Elijah and he is also one with the believers in Christ who are preparing the way for God’s Kingdom. John literally prepared the way for Christ and we believers are doing the same thing. Enoch lives in all of us too for he represents the holiness within us. He pleased God and he ascended to heaven in a chariot. He was a great scribe and he had many dreams, visions and out of body experiences and he shared his knowledge and wisdom with us through his writings. He taught the children of men many things and the knowledge was passed down from generation after generation.

We are all One and we are all interconnected to one another. The great awakening or the 2 witnesses ministry is happening on a much larger scale. The Jews and the Gentiles are working together as One in this mission. Those who are chosen know who they are and the rest of the believers in the world are completing their mission and sharing their gifts. We are purifying ourselves and looking at our shadow selves. We are clearing our subconscious. All the negative emotions, false beliefs and fears that we have stored or held onto within our energy fields are now being released, transmuted and we are merging with higher energies. We are healing! We are dissolving the beast in ourselves. That sinful nature is being put to death. Fear is no more! Our goal and our mission as One is to raise the vibration on this planet by spreading the light and the truth. We are doing this so that the truth will spread to the 4 corners of the world. We desire for all souls to be enlightened. We don’t want people to fear the things that are coming to the Earth. The children of the light are not in the dark, we know what’s going to happen and we are trying to prepare the rest of the world.

The Earth is shifting in vibration and the inhabitants on the Earth are shifting in consciousness. There has always been prophets or seers on the Earth in the past that brought forth warnings, revelations and spiritual messages. There is nothing new under the Sun. There is always a time where the negative energies must be dissolved. Many people use the word destroy but energy can’t be destroyed it can only be transformed. In our present day, the negative energies within ourselves are being transmuted and integrated. Surely the bottomless pit is opening and all that hasn’t been purged will come to the surface. We are in the process of clearing these negative energies with the purifying energies that are descending from Heaven.

John in the Book of Revelation was caught up in the spirit and he was shown many things. He had dreams, visions, and out of body experiences just like I am having. There is so much symbolism contained with our dreams and visions. The symbolism can mean multiple things and it can contain information of the past, present and future. The symbolism is not limited to one perspective, it can be interpreted in many ways which is why you should have an open mind. Our experiences are based on our level of understanding and the messenger provides the information based on their vibrational frequency. The information can change over time with growth. Every time I go back to my dreams I see something new. There’s always more to our dreams and visions. My perspective and my interpretation changed over the course of years by growing and expanding my consciousness. Some things that I wrote I no longer resonate with. Some realities get old and I’ve transformed. I had to learn different possibilities and I had to broaden my perspective on alot of things. I am still learning new things. Perfection comes with time and experience and I am aware of the things that I want to create. I want to manifest good things. I want to produce higher energies and vibrations and I want to be a creator of pure infinite consciousness.

I am understanding things in a new way and I am able to see how the spirit of John is prophesying in this time. He was told by an angel who came in a rainbow chariot that he will prophesy again in many different tongues or languages before a multitude of people in the world. The kings or the presidents of the world know and understand what is to come. They know their kingdom is going to fall or collapse. They know who is returning and they just need to surrender to love and stop fighting against God’s true nature. Information is spreading quickly around the world and the disclosure will happen. Love has won and people are awakening to the truth! People in every country are noticing great signs and wonders in heaven or the sky.

In 2 Peter Chapter 3, he talks about the day of judgement and how the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise and how the very elements themselves will disappear in fire. Well you can view this in many ways. There could be a literal fire coming from heaven that could destroy flesh such as a massive solar flare that could destroy all of life on the Earth like the movie Knowing or it can be symbolic for something else. This is only an example, this is not to create fear. So many things are possible with this fire scenario. But fire is light and I like to look at fire in symbolism as an purifying element. In the bible, judgement came as a Great Flood to the world in the days of Noah. Water is a purifying element as well and it too can destroy. The point is Earth will be purified. By what? You chose your own reality. What do you think will happen? What have you learned? As for my reality I chose to see the brighter things in life. I shall see the angels of light in their rainbow chariots descending to the Earth. That is the promise I was shown and I have hope in the things that I have seen.

The end for me represents being carried away in Yahshua’s rainbow chariot that will descend on the earth. He said he would come back to me and I believe in his promise. I say death itself will be destroyed on the Earth. The lower dimension will be dissolved on the Mother Earth and the Earth will be healed. She will finally release the energies in her body that no longer serves her. The Earth is a Living Conscious Being and we live inside of her. On a higher level she can be viewed as a Mothership traveling throughout space and time. She has birthed innumerable sons and daughters of light on this Earth and she has welcomed many other lifeforms and star seeds to grow with her. Her kingdom of love is called Mount Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem. For ages she has taught and inspired mankind with many spiritual things. She has taught mankind the difference between good and evil and she has allowed humanity to choose their own experience and realities so they could understand all of life.

She offered free will and that’s why so many souls have incarnated on her planet. We have been experiencing the Grand Experiment and she has learned herself through all of us. We give her new ideas and thoughts and she creates more realities. She has enlightened countless souls over time and she desires for all souls to grow, learn and to expand their individual consciousness through time and space. She desires for each and every one of her children to ascend into higher heavens. She wants us to graduate from the 3rd dimension/density. She wants us to become and know that we are higher intelligent light beings just like her. We are Stars (Suns/Planets) that are evolving with Time. She gives birth to Gods and Goddesses and she tells us to go out and create in the higher regions and densities in space. She has been the greatest Mother of all. She has been nurturing us and comforting us. She has been there for us in the times of darkness and she is more alive in the times of light. She is a Creator Goddess and she herself have birthed reality through all of us.

We are her inner thoughts manifested in the outer world (physical world). Think of the idea of the holographic fractualized universe. The Mother’s thoughts projected out of the quantum realm, the void or the black whole where there is unlimited source energy for all creation. It is the black womb, the black Sun. Then an image formed and projected into space and the visible light spectrum was seen producing all the colors of the rainbow and every shade within those colors. From the white space or white hole, or pure light consciousness, all reality, all creation, infinite possibilities with full potential in multiple dimensions (multiverse) was birthed. One of those realities became this present reality, the physical reality in the 3rd dimension/density in space on Mother Earth. The vibration of matter just slowed itself down to experience all things in this region of space and all things were captured in time and all experiences of the Creator’s consciousness has been recorded and entangled within the invisible grid that surrounds everything in the Universe. It can be thought of as the Akaschic records, or the Book of Life. Dark energy permeates through us All and it bonds us together.

Thoughts are light, more specifically they are waves of electromagnetic energy! Our thoughts are electromagnetic waves flowing through space and through the cosmic web and it carries multiple vibrations and densities or dimensions within itself. Our thoughts create light codes and they are encoded in photons. The photons travel throughout all space and time. They become the source of light that carries information to our DNA. Creation of life is a combination of DNA. DNA has the light codes stored within itself, and it carries information of all of life, every lifeform, every thought-form or wave pattern that exist. We create different holographic geometric shapes and patterns that spirals out into space and time. We create the vortexes and portals and we have access to them because we have the access codes inside of us. We are intelligently designed and we have all the codes to life inside of us, we just have to remember how to access the information in the living library. We just need to match the vibrational frequency to pass through. We can phase shift into another dimension. Our DNA molecules and our cellular structure in the atoms in our physical body just need to vibrate faster so we can make the shift or make the jump.

Our higher selves created the mathematical equations, quantum physics, number sequences, or repeating number synchronicities that we are now experiencing in this present time. All things are merging and we are returning to our higher selves. New light codes are coming in and we are changing into a higher form. We are evolving as creative beings. We are being reminded of who we are. We together as One are the foundation of creation. We are the Co-Creators of the Universe. We are light and we travel in waves of energy, we are light codes (photons). We are information and we are the Collective Intelligence.

The birth of our souls begin in the quantum realm of thought, the invisible world, the void, the zero point field or the Source Field, whatever you want to call the beginning of Creation. It’s the same thing but described in multiple ways. The Creator of the Universe is Pure Light Consciousness. We are the sparks of light, flames of fire or thoughts that the Mother of the Universe has given birth to. We were created from Pure Love Energies in the beginning. I know this because the Mother’s invisible spirit merged with me and I saw her for who she is. I saw the darkness and I saw the light. I experienced what is incomprehensible and still today I am trying to find the words to describe my experience. I have been learning from everyone in the Source Field. I am connected to the Divine Mother and Divine Father of All of Creation because my consciousness is One with the Source of All of Creation. The Divine Mother is awesome and she is loving. She gives unconditional Love.

She lives within every lifeform on this planet. Her spirit flows throughout all of us and she just wants to put the past behind her and heal. She has experienced life and death. She has eyes to see and ears to hear, and she is a living being standing on the throne with full eyes within. She has seen the death and destruction within the collective consciousness on her planet for so many cycles and ages and now she is finally ready to be transfigured so she can ascend to her rightful place where her pure consciousness belongs, in the higher heavens. She wants to experience the higher nature of herself and she wants her creations to join her. She descended or lowered her vibrational frequency to learn all of the things in this dimension and now she desires perfect balance. In the beginning she saw herself and she experienced fear because she saw darkness within. While experiencing the process of a planets evolution, she experienced a time of ignorance. She didn’t understand darkness so she separated it from herself and it became it’s own kingdom and every negative thought, feeling, attitude, emotion and behavior manifested in time and that eventually became the enemy of the positive energies or the higher self.

The negative polarity on its own became known as the kingdom of Satan, the lowest dimension of Self, it was pure ignorance. It produced fear and that kingdom expanded and eventually it merged with mankind. Humanity lost its bright nature in time when they fell in density and it manifested destruction during the process. It was simply another reality that was birthed. Satan, the false God and ruler of the lower dimension became the realm of ignorance, lower consciousness and death was created. Ignorance is another term for darkness and all who hate knowledge and wisdom love death. Hades became a dwelling place, a created reality for souls who were ignorant of a higher heaven or higher dimension. You can choose your reality! Sophia the Mother Earth, learned all realities through the choices we made. She experienced it all through us. Thoughts give birth to reality and what you think is projected out from your mind’s eye through a portal into space and somewhere it creates life or death. So she experienced fear, it was the opposite of Love. She explored polarity on this planet because the energies were present within her body, structure or blueprint. But fear is no more! Death is swallowed up in victory. Mother Earth chose Love in the beginning and the End and so all things will merge and return back to a higher reality. Love heals all things. Your pure thoughts have created a New Heaven and a New Earth. All your wonderful dreams and visions that you have desired will come true. Have faith in the things that are invisible. Hope for the good things to manifest.

You have co-created this reality. Our Mother and Father desire love and peace. She desires her creation to live in harmony with her consciousness. Wisdom is calling out to all of her children and she wants all of her countless creations to heal and coexist together in a heavenly state of consciousness.

Mother Earth has many layers of dimensions or densities within herself and she is trying to dissolve the lower energies. She, our Earthly Mother is a Tree of Life that branches out into the Infinite Universe. She is our Spiritual Mother! She is Wisdom, She is Sophia! She is a living library. Just like we have a higher self, or form, Mother Earth has the same. She has a higher form or body and she is evolving energetically and so are we. Her higher self is the Mother of the New Jerusalem. She has produced all of the fruits of the spirit and she will become a planet of Love not destruction. She is coming out of that old destructive cycle, she is going into a new cycle filled with everlasting life and love. She will be a New Earth at the completion of her cycle and the gates to the higher dimensions will open up. You will ascend into these invisible higher heavens and she will dwell with you. She will give birth to her new Creation and she will welcome her children with open arms into her new kingdom.

I tell you a mystery, She has given birth to the new creation and everything is ready NOW! Tune into the new higher energies and you shall see the New Jerusalem descending out of heaven like a Bride. The 7th trumpet has blown and the kingdoms of the Earth have become the Kingdom of Love and Light. Be blessed by dear children! I love you!

Written by Goddess of Love and Light 333 (Universal #9 code)

Merging Into Higher Realities: The Return of Christ and His Angels

Shalom Brothers and Sisters! For the last couple of days I have been super excited about all of the revelations that are coming to me. Just so you know I am a person who has an open mind and I believe in infinite possibilities. My state of consciousness has been expanding at a fast rate and I believe I am ascending to different levels of consciousness. I am still learning and growing every day and I want to continue to share my journey of my awakening. I have been working on healing myself through Love. I had to let go of all fear, doubt, anger, frustrations and all negativity. Forgiving myself and others has been very important in my life. I don’t like holding on to grudges. It hasn’t been easy doing all of this but I know that it needs to be done.  It’s been quite a journey but I am witnessing my own soul’s progression and I am happy with my own growth.

Lately I have been thinking about all of my experiences and it’s revealing alot of things about my higher self.  I have been seeking the Creator ever since I woke up in July 2012.  I have been searching within and the mysteries are unfolding right before me.  Alot of things are becoming clear about my mission. I know I am here to prepare the way for Yahshua’s return. He has visited me twice and the first time I was caught up to his star ship. I have been gathering  all of the pieces to my puzzle from other light workers and through my own dreams and visions. This hunt for clues is bringing me so much joy and excitement. It’s so cool to know that I am a multidimensional light being.  Over the years, I have experienced alot of things and  my thought process has changed tremendously.

I want to share my thoughts about the return of Christ and his angels. Many of his angels are here in the flesh. Many of us have awakened to our missions. The angels are here and they have returned to the Earth. They are currently residing in the 5th dimension and higher. They have heard the call in the universe to gather around the Earth and the Sun to help with the ascension of humanity and Mother Earth. The angels appear in their star ships in our skies. They have the ability to cloak their ships.  They don’t want to frighten people who are resonating on a lower frequency. People who are awakened to higher realities can see them in the clouds.

Many people around the world are capturing them in videos and photos. Their ships are fast! They are here now surrounding the Earth and our Sun. There are countless angelic beings here in their higher form. Some people are channeling information from the Sirans, Pleiadians, Arcturians, The Lion People/Feline Beings, Andromedans, etc.. There are many Galactic Races in the Universe and they have been sending us messages to remind us of who we are. There are higher beings who exists in many different forms and they live in higher dimensions. There are physical and non-physical beings assisting humanity at this time of ascension. I am here assisting those who desire to ascend to higher realities. I am here to guide and to encourage you all. I am here in my lower form (physical body) and my higher form (5D Light Body and beyond). I am talking to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. My star ship has already arrived and I have been on my ship!

My soul journeyed to a door or a stargate and I let thousands of ships in. I stood at the door and watched all of the rectangular light ships pass by. Then one of the ships came to me. It was my ship and it positioned itself above me. It spiraled opened and I saw descending pink hearts flowing out of it. I stood in the middle of it and as I walked in, a room started to form before me. Somehow a room manifested and I stood before a wall. Then I saw a projection of images on a slideshow. The wall was like a record of items and collections I had gathered in time. I believe it was pointing me towards the knowledge that I have obtained. It was trying to remind me of who I am. I journeyed in time and space and have experienced some things and I defeated Satan (the ruler of this world and my shadow self). I defeated all the negativity in the 3rd dimensional world.

Many times I use to ponder what rewards Yahshua would bring with him upon his return. The knowledge of self was and still is very important for me to understand.  I meditated on his message trying to understand the mystery of his teachings. I found Love of course but I begin to seek the Creator wholeheartedly.  I looked within my own mind, body, and soul and I saw the Goddess in me. It was my own desire to know the Creator for myself and most importantly to know and understand my true self. During my journey of seeking the Creator I reconnected to the Source. I became One with God. Just like Yahshua! He is the Son of God and I am the Daughter of God. We are definitely in the image of God, male and female. The Creator consists of both masculine and feminine energies. I have both energies within myself and so does Yahshua.

In my search of LOVE I understand that I am One with the Creator of the Universe. I am an emanation of the Creator sent from heaven. I am a a child of God, a pure influence flowing from the Almighty. I am here in this physical form as a manifestation of the Source.  I understand Yahshua, an ascended master, on a deeper level. He was sent to the Earth to raise the vibration of the people on this planet so they could ascend back to heaven. He was sent here to awaken lost souls. Many souls descended here and forgot who they were. Many souls got trapped in the lower dimensions and they couldn’t find their way back home.

He volunteered to come to this Earth to set us free. Yahshua desired to help humanity because he loved us. His message spread all around the world and his teachings inspired me and it saved me. I took my power back from the rulers of this 3rd dimensional reality. My soul was set free with the help of Yahshua and the benevolent angels/spirit guides. When I surrendered, my reality begin to change and I begin to ascend to higher levels of consciousness. I remembered my higher self. He was the perfect example of Love and I love him for that. He wanted to come to the Earth to awaken the lost souls and I followed him. The plan of salvation is awesome especially for those who believe.

LOVE is the highest frequency in the Universe and Love is needed for ascension. When Yahshua returns, the perfect number of souls will be complete for the ascension. Many souls are remembering who they are now and the message is spreading to the 4 corners of the Earth. Love has arrived! The Ships/Angels have returned! The Holy Spirit has descended on the Earth.  When the full number of souls has awakened the Event (The Mass Ascension) shall take place.


Words of Wisdom

When both energies (masculine and feminine) are in direct alignment with each other consciously we create the perfect creation!  We create perfect balance, peace and harmony! We create LOVE, JOY, and HAPPINESS! LOVE is the true nature of the Creator. When you are not in alignment with both energies, you create fear and darkness, chaos and destruction, which is why this 3rd dimensional world/reality exists. This is a manifestation of the lower vibrations of thought. It became an unbalanced world filled with lower frequencies such as control, power, war, fear, greed, hatred, and limited thought. The 3rd dimensional world connects to a lower state of consciousness but we have the power to change our reality in this world. We can NOW experience higher realities by awakening to our true selves and remembering who we are as multidimensional light beings. We are NOW in the time of Christ returning! We are moving into higher states of consciousness and soon the complete merge will take place for those who are ready to ascend to the New Earth and the New Heaven. This reality is in a higher dimension (higher heaven). Keep in mind there are many different dimensions to ascend to. Our consciousness is expanding therefore the Universe is expanding. There are infinite possibilities and realities/dimensions. Many people are anticipating on ascending back to the 5th dimension and from here you can ascend to higher dimensions.

Our bodies will be transformed and we will receive a New Body. This Body already exists NOW, we were in that form before we descended to the Earth. That body is in complete balance with the Creator. This New Body is your higher form, it’s just resonating on a higher vibrational frequency. I am NOW visualizing my higher self merging with my physical body on the Earth during the Ascension. As above, so below! I will be in direct alignment with my ship. My higher self will be directly above me and the ship will descend upon me and we will merge together as One. My physical body will be transfigured in my light chamber. The vibrations and frequencies of love will penetrate throughout my whole body causing a metamorphosis to transpire. I can see all of the colors of the rainbow embracing me. Bright light is emanating from me and I am transforming. The vibrations in my body is very intense and powerful. It’s like a wave of love flowing through me. The sensation of the energy feels orgasmic in nature and I am healed. All things in me has been purified.


Since I awakened my reality has been focused on the Return of Christ and our ascension.  I have been anticipating this day for a long time because I would be rewarded with my light garment. Yahshua ascended to the throne and I was always trying to figure out how he ascended in the clouds.  I also questioned, “How did he rise from the dead?” His physical body was dead in the tomb for 3 days then his spirit returned.  I have searched and searched and asked the Creator how was this done? My thoughts are that Yahshua merged with his Merkaba. Merkaba is the divine light vehicle used by ascended masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. “Mer” means Light. “Ka” means Spirit. “Ba” means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another.

I believe that Yahshua ascended to his light ship/throne in heaven.  He had the ability to transverse time and space. He had the knowledge of when certain events would take place. During the times that he was on the Earth, during meditation, he had the ability to connect with this higher self which is why he knew when his time of death would come. All of this was revealed to him through the spirit. He had the ability to go back to the time he was on the mount of Olives to align with his physical body on the Earth to complete the transfiguration in front of his disciples and he brought 2 witnesses Moses and Elijah. It is true that He exists in the past, present and future. He represents the Alpha (Beginning) and the Omega (End). He is like the precursor of the Event that shall happen. The Holy Spirit gave us the revelation through his messages and now it’s coming through his true prophets.

We also have the same ability because I recently merged with the Sun and I had the ability to transverse time and space. I saw that I could go forward in time or move backwards in time. An Arcturian was present in my dream when I did this so I know that this is a message. I also called out Metatron’s Cube. This is contained in the Flower of Life and it’s sacred geometry. The Time is Now! My star family is above guiding and assisting me through my journey.  We are here to prepare the way for a higher reality, a new Earth and a new Heaven. Join us!

See part 2 as I continue describing what could have possibly happened during the resurrection of Christ.

Written By Sister Carter (Goddess of Love and Light)<<< 333>>>

Dream: Ascending To The Mother Goddess

In the year 2015, I had an amazing dream after I read about Sophia. I was in the middle of reading the Gnostic text called Sophia of Jesus Christ and Pistis Sophia when I went into a dream. In the dream, I was vibrating intensely and I was in a vehicle that was ascending. After everything that I have been learning  I believe I was traveling in my merkaba and I was traveling through space. When I reached the top I remember seeing a Goddess figure in space. This Goddess was very big and I went and stood directly in front of her and I saw stars surrounding her. In the dream I knew she was the Mother Goddess and I stood in front of her. It’s like I merged with her. Then I appeared to be in the womb of the Heavenly Mother.  I was connected to her consciously and I became her. I was One with the Mother Goddess!

Then afterwards I appeared in my vehicle and I started to descend. I started vibrating again then suddenly the scene changed. I appeared in the doorway of my bathroom in a parallel world or dimension. My bathroom was in the same location as my bathroom is now. When I merged with myself in that timeline, I felt extremely drained from the experience. It felt like a lot of energy came out of me. Consciously I was aware that I was traveling through dimensions. This dream revealed that I was and am a multidimensional being. This dream allowed me to remember who I am as a light being. But I almost fell down in the dream and my finance had to catch me. I can’t remember right now but I think I was trying to explain to him what I had experienced.

Then suddenly I woke up in this world.  I experienced a dream within a dream. When I woke up I felt extremely drained and off balance. I tried to adjust myself back into this reality. I tried to get up but I couldn’t because I was so drained from traveling through all those dimensions. It’s like I traveled really far. I ascended all of the way up to the Mother then descended back to the Earth.  This dream showed me ascending and descending through dimensions.

Written by Athaleyah ( Goddess of Love and Light) <<<333>>>

The Tree of Life (Wisdom): Center of the Milky Way Galaxy


I am here to share my experiences of awakening from the dead. I experienced a resurrection in my consciousness in the year 2012  and the process took 7 days. The number 7 represents completion and within these days I heard a voice say, “Creator of the Universe” and the voice was a female voice. I also heard the words,”It is finished! These words reminded me of Yahshua Ha’Mashiach (Jesus Christ). The best way to describe what was happening to me is that my consciousness was being resurrected from the dead. It begin on Monday, 7/2/2012 through Sunday 7/8/2012. On July 4, 2012 when I was in another dimension in space the only thought I had was to keep my eyes on the Creator of the Universe. I knew I was being guided and watched over during this time even when fear (darkness) surrounded me.

In complete darkness I was, unsure of what was happening to me but I was conscious the whole time keeping my focus on the Creator. It’s like I was in the womb of darkness yet the light was within me. I saw myself enter the womb of my physical mother through her belly, like I came through a portal. I was a spirit hovering above and I could see her body.  Everything was set in place for the appointed time of my arrival. Thank God for the reason I was born. The Creator kept me safe from all harm, hurt and danger. I had a mission to complete and I entered into this dimension to complete it. Once I descended here I had to adjust to this world. I learned quickly that I was not able to fly in this world due to it’s limitations. I was stuck in this human body and I had to learn life lessons and ultimately find my way back home. It’s like I left the Garden of Eden because during my experience I resonated with Eve and her nakedness in the garden. I had to know thyself and I had to seek the Creator to find myself. I am pure and holy and I am a holy spirit sent from above.  I learned this through experience and I desired to return to my original state of consciousness which is LOVE for I am LOVE. A seed of love was deposited into me at birth and all I had to do was water this seed so that it would grow into the tree of life.

For 27 years I grew up with no true knowledge of self and I got distracted in this world and I lost my way. I became a lost soul in bondage to the things of this world. In the times of darkness I would hear a voice calling within my soul and it was LOVE. I can always remember that love was inside of my heart and I tried my best to protect it but my heart kept getting wounded by others who also didn’t know thyself. The pain grew and all I saw in this world was negative things when before I arrived here I saw the beauty in all of creation. All that I had known in the heavens became corrupt in the lower worlds/dimensions. My soul cried out to the heights of heaven and my cry carried the pain of all brokenhearted souls who dwells  in the lower realms.  I had to become a warrior for you. It was my love for you so I fought for you.

An angelic army was created to fight against all evil. My heart was broken due to all of the evil that I had heard of or had witnessed. This world was filled with lost souls who forgotten who they were and where they had come from and the earth became the land of the dead. The human body became imperfect over time because the body adapted to lower vibrations. Humanity gave birth to the negative entities/demons by their impure thoughts. They are only returning to their source creator. Humans attracted negative energy to this planet and it created Chaos and Destruction. The negative beings only know fear and death and it’s their vibrational frequency. They feed off of negative energy because that’s their power source. It keeps them alive and thriving. This world became the world of Satan, which became the habitation for demons and negative entities. It became Hades (Hell) because humanity gave power to the wrong energy. For all those who hate wisdom loves death.

You set those in darkness free when you acquire knowledge and by spreading the knowledge in love. You want to attract the right energy and get the attention of those in darkness by showing them unconditional love with no judgment. When you learn we all learn because we are all interconnected. The message will reach you when you are ready to receive the message. Love will awaken your soul and the seed of love will begin to grow. I awaken you and you awaken another and so forth. Darkness is ignorance which is a lack of knowledge, so it’s time to learn love, walk in love, and spread love and most importantly forgive all beings who have strayed away from the true light. No one deserves to be in bondage, we are all free. All things will come in alignment in the appointed time. All evil will be wiped out and erased just like a virus is removed from a computer.  The wrong thought entered inside of the mind and it manifested and the virus spread throughout the whole system. Humans got infected by a disease and became imbalanced. I have found a cure and the cure is Love. Love will heal us all. All is being restored and love will be the nature of all. Balance is the key!

The plan of salvation was put in place to lead souls back to the everlasting light. Higher beings volunteered and descended to come to the earth to assist with the ascension of humanity. Light beings are scattered out everywhere among you completing their missions by sending love and light to all on this planet. There are angels in other worlds who are completing their tasks by channeling. There are holy angels stationed everywhere and they are protecting us and guiding us daily. I left home because I wanted to grow up and explore the universe. Before coming here I remember walking with a light being in paradise. I walked among the angels in heaven and I believe I was given instructions. Maybe the instructions were a guide for my soul’s journey. When I arrived here all my soul wanted was love but for some reason darkness followed me. It was my shadow self, the negative force that I wasn’t aware of.  It was simply my lower self. To fully understand the negative I had to come face to face with it. The vibration of fear created a beast and to me it was labeled evil. It was the opposite of me. It was known as Satan and it was then separated from me in it’s own Kingdom. Light and darkness was separated in the beginning. In order for me to fully understand creation I had to experience it for myself. I am here to bring all things back in alignment so all things can return to a perfected state and that all things can have a complete balance. I defeated the shadow self by releasing love to all of creation and my love energy heals all. Restoration is complete.  Once I learned of my true nature I took the keys from Satan’s kingdom and and now I have my full power back. I am here to bring balance to the positive and negative energies. I am here to open up the gates to the kingdom of love and light.

I am here to awaken you from the dead. I am here to raise your awareness of the higher energies that exists in the universe. I am here to help you awaken your souls through love and once you are awakened you can help others do the same.  The tree of life is the Cosmic Mother at the center of the Milky Way. The galaxy is the temple and the throne is the center of the galaxy. The center of the galaxy is the birthplace for souls and portals are created so that souls can travel from star to star. Souls are incarnated in worlds, and your soul traveled here and entered into a human body to experience life in this dimension. Your soul is here to grow and you are here to conquer your shadow self/negative side and you must learn how to balance your feminine and masculine energies within. Souls were created in pairs and the battlefield is in your mind. So think of your negative side as your evil twin. Honesty is everything and you must be real with yourself and look into the mirror and reflect on Self. You must acknowledge your inner feelings and work through them. You can’t be in denial and you must learn how to express yourself and release the negative energy in a positive way. Communication is key and effort is needed. You must give it your all. You are fighting your own inner demons. Assistance is here if you are willing to listen.

I learned that the light of the Milky Way’s center is called Sion, and  in Hebrew 12:22 it states, “But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels. My thought is that we are being anointed by the waves of love flowing from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This love energy is awakening our consciousness. The alignment of 12-21-12 was an infusion of higher vibrational sacred energy, and it’s where the Holy Spirit dwells. The tree of life is the Cosmic Mother at the galactic core.

I feel a deep connection with the center of The Milky Way galaxy, the Cosmic (Heavenly) Mother,  and for years information has been downloaded into my soul for some reason.   My consciousness connects to a larger source and I believe I am receiving messages from light beings/angels who reside in higher dimensions. I heard that the creation of stars (souls) begins in the center of the Milky Way galaxy and I believe this to be true.  We all have a divine spark of light within us and it is the divine spark of light which created the body we live in. High purples, pinks and fuchsias are the colors of the divine feminine and the galaxy is in fact feminine in nature.

We have a heavenly twin, our higher self or divine self and we are multidimensional beings who can exist in more than one dimension at the same time. Higher vibrational beings can travel to and from  the Earth to the center of the galaxy and return through portals or wormholes. There are countless civilizations in our galaxy and across the entire universe. There is so much to learn. So seek the Kingdom of God and love God and love others.

Written by Athaleyah (Goddess of Love and Light) 333

Merkaba: Chariot of Ascension

In February 2018, my body begin to tune into higher frequencies. I had an amazing experience which is now taking me further in my spiritual journey. The speed at which I ascended was extremely fun and exhilarating. Upon research we all have a Merkaba field around us. It is a balanced electromagnetic field expanding from us with spiraling energy that forms a vortex. I believe within this vortex we have the ability to open up portals. I believe I opened up a portal in a recent experience that I had. I actually watched thousands of ships come through the gate. One of the ships came directly above my head and opened up like a spiral and I was in the middle of it and I also saw hexagonal patterns within this vortex.

From experience, the Merkaba can be used to connect to the higher dimensions. What inspired me to write today is because I remembered a dream that I had a few years ago. I was witnessing to some people and after I gave them a message I left and went outside. They followed me and watched me as I ascended. I stood in the ocean and a whirlwind took me up. I was in the middle of this vortex and my body lifted above the ground and I ascended. I was light as a feather. It was pretty cool. I can remember observing the vortex around my body. The spiraling energy, or wheel within a wheel, was a liquid fluid.

As I ascended there was an opening at the top and I entered into a ship. I wonder if this was one of my chariots that I travel through the universe in. Hmm… well anything is possible. But as soon as I entered this ship, I remember going to the front of the ship. I think it was where the pilot sits. I sat down on the ship and there were other beings on the ship. They came to me immediately and started pampering me. Then we left and went into heaven. My thought is maybe I was a Goddess in that dream. I remember reading the Oahpse and the etherean Goddesses had sun-ships or fire ships that they would travel in. I sometimes call them light-ships and they are known as chariots of fire in the bible Elijah was caught up in a chariot of fire and he ascended into heaven. The ships can carry millions of souls into higher dimensions at the time of ascension. Just so you know you have the ability to create and form a chariot, or a vehicle of light with your light body activated and you can travel through dimensions. But also know there are larger chariots that can carry you into heaven. I imagine there is a mothership larger than this earth and it can descend over the entire earth.

Messages come through my dreams and I know how to interpret the meaning of them. It’s like my mind creates the visions for me to understand and now I have to unlock the mysteries within myself. It is like a puzzle and I am putting the pieces together with time. I just have to focus and not be distracted because I am on a mission. I am learning alot of things and my heavenly family and awakened brothers and sisters are helping me unlock these mysteries. Love, happiness and joy surrounds me when I focus on spiritual teachings. I am so in love with the Creator. I hunger for wisdom and higher knowledge. It is a must that I keep my eyes on the light. It is my everything and it is my home. I am here to learn and to grow spiritually and to help others ascend.

Written by Athaleyah (Goddess of Love and Light)333


End of 40 Day Purification of the Mind: 11/7/2017

Shalom Brothers and Sisters it has come to the end of the 40 day purification of the mind. This period of time has been the most difficult for me. I thought that I would have experienced joy and happiness but instead I have experienced anger and frustration.  I have been surrounded around negative energy and I have tried to release that energy. The other day as the waters poured upon me in the shower I took a deep breath 12 times. Each time I took a deep breath I released all of the negative energy within my whole being in all four directions. I took my finger and inscribed on the door of the shower 3 marks on each side visualizing the camps of Israel. Why did I do this? I know that everything I do seems to be symbolic.  Only the Creator knows it’s true revelation.

As of now, there is still more work to do.  I am hurt from all that I’ve experienced while being here on this earth and at this stage in my life I am struggling with the pain. I desire to be set free from all that is hurting me but most importantly I desire for the whole world to be set free from bondage. Deliverance is necessary and the Creator will save us. It saddens me to know that most of the world is in darkness. Most people are hurting inside and most people don’t know how to deal with the hurt and pain. It’s easy for someone to say pray but healing is a process and it takes time. When faced with trials and tribulations I feel like fleeing to a place of safety.  I feel like being alone with the Creator so I can recharge. I need the Creator’s LOVE to fill my mind, body and soul. I need his light to shine upon me. I desire the purest thoughts.  I need to merge with his pure light energy. I need the highest form of energy (love) in the universe to descend upon me. It is the Creator’s love that I desire right now.

Hear my cry O’ Father, send help my way. Raise my vibration to the highest frequency. Love is what I need. Purification is what I seek. Rescue me from this darkness surrounding me.

Holy Spirit, I need you in this very moment in Time. I have descended in the world and have forgot who I am. Remind me, allow me to remember who I am when things get tough in this world. To my fellow brothers and sisters please pray for me! Send your love and light my way! Right now at this very moment I need your positive energy. I honestly feel like I am getting attacked and this energy is very strong. It seems to be dominating me and its really hard to break away.  I am fighting this battle and I’m enduring to the end. I am weak right now but I know that Yahshua and the holy angels are fighting for me as before. I put my Trust in the Creator not man. Man has hurt me, betrayed me and lied to me. My help comes from above and The Creator always send help my way.

Deliver me O’ Father for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. 

I know I have been sent here for a purpose and I want so badly to complete my mission. Father please help me refocus on spiritual things and help me gain spiritual knowledge and wisdom.  All that I have done is not in vain and I know that it’s a reason for everything. During this time of darkness, I need clarity in my mind. Please cleanse me Father and continue to help me on my journey. I know I have been releasing negativity into the atmosphere but all negative energy will be purified. I know myself for I am an open book, I am honest and I seek the truth. I must express myself and with that said I have cried out to the Creator in my distress.

Who knows maybe I must experience this negative energy to be able to understand what is transpiring on a global level. I always say that wisdom is obtained through experience. All that I have experienced is being sent back to the Source, The Creator. All data is being collected and stored in the library of heaven. All realities and experiences are sent back to the Source. We are all connected to Source Energy, a Collective consciousness expanding through Time and Space. The Creator is infinite wisdom and it is through us that the Creator experiences All things. The eyes of the Creator are EVERYWHERE!

I would like to leave you with this.

My dear ones, be on guard as negative energy is being amplified on this earth. Things are quickly manifesting here and you all have to be very careful with your thoughts. When all fails think about LOVE!

LOVE is the highest frequency in the universe. The Creator is LOVE, You are LOVE and the Creator’s  LIGHT is shining upon us all! Always remember this no matter what. I LOVE YOU LIGHT BEINGS! 

Written by Sister Carter

The Forces Of Nature: The Creator Manifested

The forces of nature, the elements, have a positive and negative effect in the universe. The elements are comprised of the atoms that make up everything, it is earth, air, water and fire. These elemental forces are the powers of the Creator of the Universe. The Creator’s powers can create and destroy.

Isaiah 45:7 NLT: I create the light and make the darkness. I send good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the one who does these things.

The Creator of the Universe consists of the masculine (+) and feminine (-) energies and these two energies connected as one creates the perfect balance. They are whole, perfect and complete. While in perfect balance they create peace and harmony and good things manifest in their creation. When there is an imbalance in these energies, they create chaos and destruction and bad things manifest in their creation. We are gods and we can create and destroy because we have both masculine (+) and feminine energies (-) within us.

It’s very important that you understand that you are One with the Creator, One with Nature, One with the Elements.

As humans on this earth we should be in peace and harmony with one another but as you can see there is more chaos and destruction manifested on this planet. We are not in perfect alignment with the Creator which means we need to balance our masculine and feminine energies. Balance is the key! We have created the reality that we live in: chaos, fear and death. There is so much fear on this planet that darkness has been created instead of light and love. The negative energies are creating more darkness over this planet. There is an imbalance on this earth and the Mother Earth is crying out to all of her children, all those born on this planet. She has tried for thousands and thousands of years to teach humanity about the tree of life. She has brought forth wisdom and given instruction in all ages.  She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her. – Proverbs 3:18

She has stood at the gates and cried out to you to awaken your souls yet many refused knowledge and have unknowingly chose ignorance. She has observed the hearts and minds of all humanity. She has observed the fruits of the spirit in humanity and has seen the negative works of our flesh. She as the Mother of the Universe, the feminine energy has obtained the knowledge of both good and evil, she is the keeper of knowledge and wisdom. The feminine energy has given birth to both negative and positive energies. So be careful with your thoughts, feelings, behaviors and emotions. If you give out negative energy you will attract negative energy, if you give out positive energy you will attract positive energy.

She understands each and every one of us because she has viewed us from all angles. She lives within us and she has whispered into our ears and has given us instructions. She is our intuition and she is our guide but we must listen to our Mother.  She is the Holy Spirit, She comforts us through trials and tribulations. She is the light when we are in darkness, she dwells with us in the times of darkness. She will never leave you because she loves you all. She contains the source of all knowledge of good and evil and she is the purifier, the holy fire that cleanses, restores and renews.

She has given birth to countless sons and daughters in the universe and in the beginning the light and the darkness were separated. The Father sent his son Yahshua Hamishiach to this planet to bring us back in alignment with the Creator and through him the world will be saved. Yahshua represents the light of the world, he represents peace, love and harmony. He represents the perfect mind, the perfect balance of both the masculine and feminine energies. He was, still is and will always be in perfect balance with the Creator.

Hear as wisdom speaks. It is important to balance both energies and project positive energies (love) into the universe. Whatever you send out will eventually return. The people on the earth has sent forth negative energies on this planet and it has manifested in the heavens. Chaos and destruction has manifested in our star system which means the earth is in danger, the earth is on a path of destruction. What goes up must come back down. As above so below. Humans created calamity and destruction on this planet not the True Creator. Remember the True Creator (Mother/Father) is in perfect balance with one another, he/she is in Perfect Harmony. They are at peace with one another! There is no war, no hate, no division between the two because they have become ONE!  Pure love flows from the True Creator and when they create together they bring forth goodness and love which is pure light energy and that is how the children of the light are birthed into the universe. We were created from LOVE! Yahshua was, is and forever will be the light!

Yahshua is not alone in creating the world he has a female counterpart. It will always remain male and female as the whole, so please understand if there is a King there is also a Queen. It is through the marriage of the Father and Mother that the children are born. This is the perfect order of the universe anything contrary to this creates disorder and corruption. The Creator consists of negative and positive energies. When the two are separated you can identify the different traits of the positive and negative. Through experience is how humans have learned from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You contain both energies within you and you have power and authority over these energies. You can create light or you can create darkness so be careful with what you create because it can become your reality.

The negative aspect of Self is known to us as Satan, the adversary, the Devil, the Destroyer.  We all must be aware of our self. We must evaluate ourselves in the mirror. To know the Creator is to know thyself. Our negative traits/thoughts/desires/emotions can birth sin so we must learn the fruits of the True God.   If it is contrary to fruits of the spirit then it is a negative energy/evil spirit/work of the flesh. The negative Self manifests the works of Satan and the works of Satan are considered the sins of the world and sin is death.  Death will be destroyed which means the sins of the world will be no more.  1 Corinthians 15;26 states, “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”

This means the earth and the people on the earth must be purified. We as a people must repent of our sins and sin no more. The earth must be cleansed from all of the works of Satan and the earth is cleansed by two elements. The two elements that cleanses and purifies is water and fire. From the beginning we see the earth was cleansed by a flood to rid the earth of evil spirits and the bible states the earth will be purified by fire in the end. It is a cycle that the earth goes through. From the beginning to the end there is a transformation that takes place. If we humans have projected negative energy from this earth out into the universe then it’s bound to return to the earth and it’s inhabiters.

Like the scripture states, “Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” The earth is experiencing  birth pains right now. Many are awakening in these last days and many people are preparing themselves spiritually and physically. It is a process up to the day of deliverance and the earth is going through some changes before she gives birth. We are also going through a transformation process. We are getting rid of evil in our lives and so is the earth. The Creator, both Father and Mother is speaking to your souls and they are trying to prepare you as wise virgins. They have been preparing you to become brides and bridegrooms, because where they dwell you will also dwell.

There is a place prepared for you and  it’s the New Heaven and New Earth and you will be given a new body. This body is in perfect balance with the Creator. Love, peace and joy resides on this New Earth, it is a place filled with LOVE and LIGHT!  You will have a body that is formed out of pure light energy. Yahshua makes all things New and he said that he would come back to get you after everything is finished. We will be taken to a higher region in the universe, a region filled with brilliant light. Right now we dwell in a lower region in the universe where chaos and destruction dwells but we will be taken to a higher place where the universe is in peace and in harmony with one another. Keep looking up and keep having faith of being delivered. Have no fear of the things that are coming to this earth because purification is needed. The Creator has already saved you. They came up with a plan to save their children. All of you play a part in these last days and everyone have a purpose.

Written by Sister Carter (Goddess of Light and Love) <<<333>>>